STRONGEST COMBOS! Discover the Top 5 Best Beyblade X Combos Selected by Expert Players (BX-01 to BX-27)


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Three expert players reveal the top 5 best Beyblade X combos from releases BX-01 to BX-27.

Perhaps the most common question you’ll hear Beyblade players ask each other is “What’s the best combo?”. And it’s for good reason. Experience, mindset, shooting, part quality, and balance tuning all matter. But the Reliability and strength of the combos you use are also important factors to consider thinking about how to win Beyblade tournaments.

This has remained true throughout the history of Beyblade, and it’s why we’ve previously outlined our picks for previous generations, including the best Beyblade Burst combos, best Beyblade: Metal Fusion Combos, and best Beyblade Heavy Metal System combos.

Each of the best Beyblade X combos from BX-01 to BX-27 on this list has demonstrated winning results in tournaments worldwide. Using them will give you the best odds at tipping the scales in your favour when playing in an event using this pool of parts.

In serious competitive environments, trying to give yourself even the slightest edge is paramount to success. Combo building is one of the fundamental aspects of that. 

The parts released in products BX-01 to BX-27 represent the first seven months or so of the Beyblade X generation. Even in this short period of time there has been consistent growth and change in the competitive scene. We can see this when we look at the first edition of our best Beyblade X combos for BX-01 to BX-12.

This list was constructed taking into consideration:

  1. The opinions of Blader Kei, Dan, and Fabel. All three of these players have extensive experience in tournaments across Japan, Canada, and the United States. The finalized list was created by collating the lists of our reviewers top combos. These are individually broken down farther below.
  2. Picks were made with the original Takara-Tomy release schedule and product in mind. Hasbro’s equivalent products are effectively the same however. So this list does apply to both brands.
  3. This article was made under the assumption that the Takara-Tomy Xtreme Stadium and Beyblade Battle Base (B4) rules are the default environment. For those used to the smaller Hasbro Xtreme Beystadium, many of these picks are still some of the best Beyblade X combos, but their positioning may change slightly.
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The Top 5 Best Beyblade X Combos (BX-01 to BX-27)

Best Beyblade X Combo #5: Shark Edge 3-60 Rush

This combo has the potential to defeat any other combo in the meta, including scoring very desirable Xtreme Finishes, but not without risk.

Why is SE 3-60R good?

Starting off our list is Shark Edge 3-60 Rush. This combo’s aim is to Knock-Out and Xtreme Finish just about anything in its path. Shark Edge 3-60 Rush doesn’t discriminate, as there isn’t anything too mean or too heavy that it struggles to remove from the battle zone. This ability doesn’t come for free, though, as sometimes its own power can be used against it by opponents – beware!

  1. Incredibly high Smash Attack potential. The Shark Edge Blade has made a name for itself in the competitive scene for being overly aggressive and in many ways a glass cannon, OHKO-style Blade. 
  2. Last-second Knock-Outs. On the Rush Bit you can usually confirm one final Xtreme Dash along the Xtreme Line in hopes that if an opponent hasn’t been knocked out yet, it will be by your Hail Mary final Dash. This mobility and great speed means it can hold its own in an Attack mirror as well.
  3. Low Maintenance. In the 3on3 Match Type, this kind of pick leaves a lot of other parts available for use. Because pure Attack combos like this one tend to work well with bare minimum part support, you can save some of your more optimized combo pieces for other more finicky combos.
  1. Not easy to use. The hyper aggressive playstyle that this combo employs means that consistency and ease of use are generally not on the table for the beginner player. In general we would recommend some time and practice learning how to best launch this combo to meet your needs – namely the most Xtreme Dashes in a match and no self-inflicted Knock-Outs. That being said, the Rush Bit does make this variant slightly more forgiving to users. Versions using Bits such as Flat or Low Flat move faster, but are more likely to self-KO and therefore are harder to use.
  2. Not the most reliable combo. As mentioned, this combo is very aggressive, and Shark Edge’s innate volatility only adds to the gamble. This combo has the potential to defeat any other combo in the meta, including scoring very desirable Xtreme Finishes, but not without risk. It has zero shot of outspinning just about anything and can sometimes have its own recoil used against it to result in a quick reversal of game pace and score line.

How to build Shark Edge 3-60Rush

Best Beyblade X Combo #4: Unicorn Sting 4-60 Orb

Because this Blade is capable of out-spinning other stamina combos in the mirror as well as threatening knock-outs on them, it cements itself as a top stamina option.

Why is US 4-60O good?

Unicorn Sting 4-60 Orb is a newcomer to the Beyblade X meta. For many this Blade has proven to be a second coming of Hells Scythe Blade thanks to its excellent balance and mixture of endurance and aggression.

In general this style of combo aims to out-spin most if not everything out there, and in some cases even capitalize on its own aggressive design to score fortunate knock-outs. Unfortunately, due to the fact that it is on the newer side, lacking some historical relevance, Unicorn Sting 4-60 Orb finds itself just shy of a top 3 spot, but a strong pick regardless.

  1. Easy to use. This Beyblade, along with most of the top 3, is fairly easy to pick up and succeed with. The Unicorn Sting Blade partnered with a high stamina Bit makes for a fearsome duo. 
  2. Excellent raw endurance. The Unicorn Sting Blade is exceptionally well-balanced, making it so that you rarely have to fear an endurance matchup, which tend to be some of the most common battles in the 1on1 match type format.
  3. Great matchup spread. Because this Blade is capable of out-spinning other stamina combos in the mirror as well as threatening knock-outs on them, it cements itself as a top stamina option. On top of that, this semi-aggressive design also lends itself to warding off Attack types to some degree, meaning that you aren’t dead in the water if you enter into a generally unfavourable matchup. 
  1. High recoil can prove fatal. Because the Unicorn Sting Blade has fairly high recoil, almost comparable to Hells Scythe, and the Orb Bit is not particularly defensive, you run the risk of being knocked-out on this combo at a higher degree. While you can rest assured this combo can outspin things, it is no guarantee that it will end up on the right side of the stadium when large blows land – which could spell K.O. for you.
  2. Inconsistent results. While a large group of Bladers tend to agree that the Unicorn Sting Blade is an effective Stamina Blade that can rival or overtake Hells Scythe Blade, some have been less than lucky with their results or individual copies, resulting in a divide. Essentially, get a second copy if you are determined to maximize your chances of an excellent Unicorn Sting Blade copy.

How to build Unicorn Sting 4-60Orb

Best Beyblade X Combo #3: Cobalt Drake 9-60 High Needle

Since it blurs the lines of traditional typing of Attack-Defense-Stamina and incorporates elements of them all, this Balance type Beyblade is to be feared by just about any style of play or combo.

Why is CD 9-60HN good?

Debuting as our top three pick is Cobalt Drake 9-60 High Needle. Entering the meta as a heavy-weight boogeyman, the Cobalt Drake Blade struggled to find a consistent and stable combo home early on.

After some time and subsequent part releases Bladers found that the Cobalt Drake Blade makes for an excellent general combo pool filter on passive high-stamina Bits similar to the Hells Scythe Blade – leading to combos like Cobalt Drake 9-60 High Needle.

The Cobalt Drake Blade has significantly more weight to it than Hells Scythe, though, making it a much scarier opponent for Attack types. It is fairly reliable across the board, and boasts some serious grams to its name.

  1. Good into Attack combos. Relatively speaking, this is a very heavy combo. The weight that Cobalt Drake on a semi-mobile High Needle Bit can push around is not to be taken lightly.. This combo easily has the ability to bully out relevant Attack Blades of the time – notably Dran Sword Blade – with its sheer weight alone. A hard to move combo that boasts high stamina is a terror for contemporary Attackers.
  2. Excellent match-up spread. This combo can bully out Stamina and Defense types with ease, too. Though it features a pure stamina Bit in High Needle Bit, this combo is most like a Balance type in the way that it wards off Attackers and bullies Stamina/Defense types into submission. Since it blurs the lines of traditional typing of Attack-Defense-Stamina and incorporates elements of them all, this Balance type Beyblade is to be feared by just about any style of play or combo.
  1. Inaccessible to most. The Cobalt Drake Blade’s greatest weakness in the era it debuts in is the fact that it is only available as a “Rare Bey Get Battle” lottery prize in the Japanese Beyblade X mobile App. This makes it exceedingly rare and valuable already, the fact that it is also a fairly useful Blade in the competitive scene only exacerbates its high price tag and rarity.
  2. Struggles against things in its own weight class. As much as it is good for its time, the Cobalt Drake Blade on the High Needle Bit is essentially punching down. With the release of Phoenix Wing Blade soon after and finding itself with company in the higher weight class, the cracks start to show. It isn’t particularly specialized, which is why it finds a home in Balance-style combos best, and while that works on things it can bully, it doesn’t fare well against things that approach the 38g mark too.

How to build Cobalt Drake 9-60 High Needle

Best Beyblade X Combo #2: Hells Scythe 9-60 Ball

With great launching and matchup knowledge, this combo has a shot against just about everything, and with reliability to boot.

Why is HS 9-60B good?

Likely not coming as a surprise to many that have been following competitive Beyblade X since its launch, we have Hells Scythe 9-60 Ball as our second place pick.

The reasoning is quite clear: it is an excellent combination of high endurance, knock-out chance, and versatility.

From launch day until now Hells Scythe 9-60 Ball has seen consistent results in the competitive sphere because it is just that good. Normally jack-of-all-trades combos tend to fall to specialized combos, but for some reason this specific Hells Scythe combo continues to persist. 

  1. Simple to pick up. This combo is not without nuance, but for a Blader just starting out, this is among the simplest competitive combos to pick up and succeed with.
  2. Incredible matchup spread. Because of its innate balance, decent weight, and aggressive shape, the Hells Scythe Blade paired with the similarly versatile Ball Bit are the most versatile duo in the meta to date. With great launching and matchup knowledge, this combo has a shot against just about everything, and with reliability to boot.
  3. Down but never out. As mentioned this combo has excellent spread against all combos and all combo types. When you are on the receiving end of this combo you just know that there is a good chance it either stays in the battle zone to outspin your combo or has a chance to score a lucky Knock-Out or Xtreme Finish. In general there are rarely any combos that have this quality, and none that have this level of consistency and history – another reminder that this has been a competitive combo since launch date.
  1. It’s a double-edged sword. As great as Hells Scythe’s aggression can be for some clutch victories in dubious circumstances, this Blade’s recoil mixed with Ball Bit’s non-existent defenses make it very much a glass cannon. Attack types can definitely eat this combo up under the right circumstances, and if the Hells Scythe player isn’t prepared to play with that in mind, it becomes all the easier to be defeated in just 2 battles. The same can be said of raw endurance matches, where sometimes it might just feel like Hells Scythe flies away at a light tap, knocking itself out and completely changing the tide of battle.

How to build Hells Scythe 9-60 Ball

Best Beyblade X Combo #1: Phoenix Wing 5-60 Point

This combo has the aggression to match the best of them while also having enough endurance at the end to still out-spin quite literally anything it hasn’t knocked-out yet.

Why is PW 5-60P good?

Taking our #1 spot is, again likely unsurprisingly for most already in the know, Phoenix Wing Blade 5-60 Point. This Blade itself was all but guaranteed a top 2 spot because of its meteoric rise to relevance on release and supreme versatility, but we decided to go with the Point Bit variant for first place.

The reason for that decision is because in the BX-01 to BX-27 meta, Phoenix Wing 5-60 Point has the absolute highest performance ceiling of all available Phoenix Wing Blade combos. The Point Bit has just enough stamina to let Phoenix Wing Blade bully most other combos if not enough aggression to knock them out entirely.

All of this makes Phoenix Wing 5-60 Point the most threatening combo on this list. Mastery of the Point Bit is key, though.

  1. Unbeatable in the right hands. On a technical level, this combo has an advantageous matchup against everything. The Blade and Bit duo make for something that can absolutely trounce stamina types by outspin or knock-out, and the same is true for an Attack mirror. With the 5-60 Ratchet you also really maximize the weight you’re throwing around. Provided the player can launch according to their situation, this combo has no losing matchups.
  2. Fulfills all win conditions with reliability. Unlike most combos that usually find themselves focussing on either an endurance game or aggressive knock-out game, Phoenix Wing 5-60 Point can engage in both at the same time. This combo has the aggression to match the best of them while also having enough endurance at the end to still outspin quite literally anything it hasn’t knocked-out yet.
  1. Point Bit is tricky to master. Unfortunately no combo is perfect, and as much as this one makes a strong case for it in this meta, the one weakness it has is Player performance. Unlike a few other combos that can maintain a range of competency regardless of player or environment, performing with this combo is not quite so simple. Mastering how to launch and get the desired patterning you want out of the Point Bit is one thing, but also having the knowledge to apply specific techniques against certain combos is another.
  2. Difficult under pressure. To top it all off, doing so under the pressure of a competitive environment with goals or prizes on the line makes this all the harder. Players have to have complete mastery over the combo, its outcomes, and themselves in order to really have something truly unstoppable.

How to build Phoenix Wing 5-60 Point

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How were the combos picked by BeyBase?

Each of us at BeyBase was tasked with creating our own “Top 5” selection using Beyblade parts within the BX-01 to BX-27 release schedule. From there we found that there was much of overlap in specific parts and even specific ratings between each list, but also some individual deviations.

The above list is a culmination of those picks all rolled into one, in an effort to create the most objective top 5 best Beyblade X combos possible. Below you will find our rules, Bladers, and their unique lists.

General Rules

  1. No repeated Blades
  2. No repeated Bits
  3. Ratchets may be repeated, but variance was encouraged
  4. Combos must be proficient in the Xtreme Stadium
  5. Combos must be proficient under B4 Rules (1on1 and 3on3 Match Types)

Blader Kei’s best Beyblade X combos selection

  1. Phoenix Wing 5-60 Point: Best overall combo. Top tier attack power, and strong anti-attack due to its weight and relatively high stamina versus most other attack types. Requires higher skill level to wield effectively due to the Point Bit. But if used properly, there is nothing it can’t beat.
  2. Hells Scythe 4-60 Ball: Best stamina combo. A very close second place to PW 5-60P. Being a stamina type, it is much easier to use. This makes it one of the most common Beyblades in this era of Beyblade X. It’s vulnerable to attack, but skilled players with effective launching techniques can minimize this weakness. When in doubt, HS 4-60B is never a bad choice.
  3. Cobalt Drake 9-60 High Needle: Best balance combo. The introduction of the Phoenix Wing Blade put pressure on the rest of the Beyblade X metagame to match its heavy weight. The Cobalt Drake Blade is the only part which can match this among BX-01 to BX-27. With its slightly less aggressive design in combination with 9-60 and High Needle it uses high recoil to deflect or knock-out opponents. Or even win by outspin in some cases.
  4. Hells Chain 9-60 Orb: Best defense and stamina hybrid combo. It won’t beat Hells Scythe, but against most other opponents it can effectively dodge and parry incoming attacks from most attackers as well as outspin any opponent with less than top tier stamina. In a metagame filled with danger and recoil, Hells Chain offers a much needed sense of “safeness”. That is, if you can overcome its inherently imbalanced design and tune it well to spin more calmly.
  5. Dran Sword 3-60 Rush: Strong, safe attack combo. Thanks to the Rush Bit, DS 3-60R can ride the Xtreme Line of the Xtreme Stadium with ease. It can win by the hits produced by this, or use this movement to dodge attacks. The Rush Bit is the safest Bit among all other flat shaped tip Bits (Flat, Low Flat, Gear Flat) from self-KOing. The good stamina of the Dran Sword Blade also contributes to its ability to spin longer than some other attackers, which is more likely to happen because of how well it can stay inside the stadium.
About Blader Kei

Blader Kei is the founder of His mission is to help the players he meets and reaches online to become better bladers. 

He has been playing Beyblade since 2002, is the only international team member of WARIBEY, and has been staff since 2009. Since then, he’s won over 60 tournaments, hosted over 100 as an organizer, and played in many more across Canada, the US, and Japan.

As of May 2024, he has participated in over 20 tournaments since the launch of Beyblade X in Japan and Canada. This includes 10 top three finishes and a top 32 finish at the Beyblade X-Treme Cup 2023 Sendai.

Dan’s best Beyblade X combos selection

  1. Phoenix Wing 9-60 High Needle: This setup is an incredible combo with a very advantageous matchup spread overall. It is relatively speaking very heavy, with good endurance and high KO potential. Because of its innate qualities allowing it to be able to safely outspin even pure endurance setups while also being able to threaten a knock-out even late into the game, Phoenix Wing Blade on a semi-stationary Bit makes for a very formidable opponent and a must-pick for competitive Bladers. If there was one combo to use, it is this.
  2. Unicorn Sting 5-60 Ball: You can choose to run Unicorn Sting Blade or Hells Scythe Blade here, purely depending on which you feel more comfortable using and which has had the most success for you historically speaking. This, similar to our number 1 pick, is a combo that has a lot of raw endurance with slightly less knock-out potential. This is a safe combo to pick because it does relatively well against just about anything and can score just about any win condition. Definitely not a setup a competitive Blader would want to ignore or count out since it just screams reliability and potential.
  3. Cobalt Drake 4-60 Orb: Rounding out the top three is the final option for a combo that can reliably secure itself just about any win condition. Cobalt Drake Blade is another heavy blade with the ability to bully opposing Beyblades into submission, if it cannot score a knock-out on them. In general our top three all have this in common, they have a consistent matchup spread and find themselves able to secure both knock-outs and out-spins without giving up too much in return. Unlike the previous two, though, Cobalt Drake Blade seems a little less consistent, sometimes looking very strong and other times not so much, though it still manages to filter suboptimal combos.
  4. Shark Edge 3-60 Rush: The fourth pick is a pure attack type. Shark Edge Blade is an incredibly potent attack blade with the threat of knocking out even on its final rotation. The choice of the Rush Bit is to capitalize on this trait, as Rush Bit tends to allow for an extra Xtreme Dash or two, even at relatively low RPM which would be the decider for a given match in favour of Shark Edge Blade. In general this combo is an excellent attack option, but the risks tend to be a fair bit greater than any of the other higher placed combos as self-KOing is a legitimate concern and there is zero potential for outspins here.
  5. Dran Sword 3-60 Flat: Our final pick is, funnily enough, a stock combo. Stock Dran Sword is a menace and just like Shark Edge it can squeak out wins very late through a last-ditch knockout. Unlike Shark Edge it does sometimes have the potential to outspin certain stamina combos, but its lack of the same absurd smash attack can leave it feeling a little weaker overall in the face of common super-heavy combos. Stock Dran Sword can win against everything, as can most competent attack types, but the risk of self-KO and lack of insurance through outspins make it hard to recommend over anything else already listed.
About Dan

Dan, author of Beyblade’s HMS Database, joined in 2010 and developed a passion for Beyblade’s nuanced and competitive nature. 

Looking to get to the bottom of everything observable and repeatable in the otherwise frenetic game, he built up a long history of experimentation and testing in the community. 

The opportunity to reach and inform more Bladers on the bleeding edge has drawn him to BeyBase as its first non-founding contributor.

Fabel’s best Beyblade X combos selection

  1. Phoenix Wing 9-60 Orb: The Raid Boss, this combo is a menace to deal with. While not unbeatable it has many favorable matchups. Being able to out bully HellsScythe to eke out stamina wins while also being aggressive enough to take a reverse ride across the x-line into a nasty KO or Xtreme finish.
  2. Hells Scythe 9-60 Ball: Stamina King, able to use the aggressive points on the blade to toss around other would be stamina blades, this combo takes the top spot for raw stamina for me. It may not top the clocks for raw solo spin time but you’ll be pressed to find a build that can consistently out spin this. It takes the #2 slot due to its susceptibility to attack builds.
  3. Shark Edge 5-60 Flat: The most aggressive blade we have at this stage, with a well placed launch and a controlled shoot, this build can knock out just about anything. Flat is a personal choice over Low Flat, as I feel it offers more control than its lower counterpart.
  4. Hells Chain 5-60 Point: This build does very well against most variants of PheonixWing, especially the more aggressive builds, while also being tanky enough to withstand the like of SharkEdge and DranSword. This build doesn’t have the most stamina however, so it does rely on knocking most stamina build out, rather than OSing them.
  5. Unicorn Sting 9-60 High Needle: A late contender to the meta this build offers a very good chance at beating both the passive and aggressive variants of PheonixWing, as well as sometimes out bullying HellsSythe. Though I have found this build to be a bit weaker to Shark or DranSword than HellsChain. 
About Fabel

Fabel has been casually blading since the US Hasbro release in 2002. With the inception of Beyblade X however, his interest has peaked, and he is now knee deep in testing various different combos for competitive use on his YouTube Channel

His passion for testing, cataloging, and photographing Beyblades drives him to learn more about the deceptively deep competitive environment that Beyblade lends itself to. 

Brought onto the team as a photographer, Fabel occasionally lends his opinion on the state of the game to the other members of BeyBase!

What do you think are the best Beyblade X combos for BX-01 to BX-27? Comment below!

As you can see from the above personal lists from each contributing player, personal preference and experience can also play a huge role in determining what an individual player feels are the “best” Beyblade X combos.

Player skill, rules, and individual part manufacturing variances can play a big role in determining what is “best” for any given person. Because of that, we’d love to hear what your favourites are in the comments below.

If you enjoyed reading this article, please also feel free to share it with any of your friends who are into playing Beyblade competitively.

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Dan, author of Beyblade’s HMS Database (, joined in 2010 and developed a passion for Beyblade’s nuanced and competitive nature. Looking to get to the bottom of everything observable and repeatable in the otherwise frenetic game, he built up a long history of experimentation and testing in the community. The opportunity to reach and inform more Bladers on the bleeding edge has drawn him to Beybase as its first non-founding contributor.
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