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Answering Questions from BeyBase Newsletter Subscribers – Part 5
This is part five of my Q&A series with BeyBase newsletter subscribers in celebration of the first anniversary of BeyBase!
This part focuses on a question I received pertaining to “What is the Metal Fight Beyblade (Beyblade: Metal Fusion) metagame?”. I decided the best way to answer this would be to talk about what the best Beyblade: Metal Fusion combos are based on my 10+ year experience with this series.
Learn more and find the combo list below!
BeyBase Q&A Series
Also, check out the first four parts if you haven’t already:

25 years. 4 generations. And we still don’t know: is Beyblade a sport? A toy?
I wrote a 100 page article to answer this question.

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What is Beyblade: Metal Fusion (Metal Fight Beyblade)?
Before I dive into the combo list, you might be wondering … what is Beyblade: Metal Fusion?
All of the articles on BeyBase up until now have focused exclusively on Beyblade Burst, but as I’m sure many of you know, there are several series of Beyblades that existed before it!
Beyblade: Metal Fusion (known as Metal Fight Beyblade in Japan) is the generation of Beyblade released before Beyblade Burst. It first ran from around 2010 until around 2015 before Beyblade Burst was first launched in 2017. In Japan it ran from 2008 until 2012 before Beyblade Burst was launched in 2015.
Some of the key differences between this series and Beyblade Burst are the fully metal “Wheels” (similar to Layers in Beyblade Burst) and the Track system which allows for customizations to change their height to a very precise degree. It’s only been recently with Beyblade Burst Dynamite Battle and some ot her specific parts that we’ve seen the concept of height variance find its way into Beyblade Burst.

What are the best Beyblade: Metal Fusion combos? – Metal Fight Beyblade Metagame
What is the meta for Metal Fight? – Anonymous
I received this question mysteriously from someone who chose to remain anonymous … I assume they were talking about the standard WBO Metal Fight Format.
WBO Metal Fight Limited Format and WBO Zero-G Format also exist, but for the purposes of this article I’ll focus on combos for the standard format.
Blader Kei’s Experience with Beyblade: Metal Fusion
To provide some context that might help to legitimize suggestions below, here is some of my history with this series for those unfamiliar:
- Played Since Launch in 2008: I was engaged with Beyblade: Metal Fusion from the moment it was first announced as “Metal Fight Beyblade” for Japan in 2008. In fact, here’s a fun throwback: check out this video I did in August 2008 comparing the–at the time–newly released Pegasis 105F versus Dragoon MS UV!
- 60+ Tournament Top 3 Finishes: I have placed within the top three at over 60 Metal Fight/Limited/Zero-G tournaments since my first event in 2009.
- WBO #2 Ranked Player: I’ve reached the top five of the WBO Metal Rankings in December 2010 and have remained there since, reaching as the number two spot where I currently stand.

The suggestions I’ve made below are based on this experience, as well as my general knowledge of the types of combos used in the WBO Beyblade: Metal Fusion/Metal Fight Beyblade metagame across different communities.
This series was the first in which I became fully engrossed in the competitive scene, so in many ways it is quite nostalgic for me. I did play in an official Plastic generation event at YTV’s “Weird on Wheels” tour back in 2003, as well as the legendary Plastics/HMS BEYBLADE’S NOT DEAD! tournament at Anime North 2008, but it really was when Metal Fight Beyblade was released that I was finally able to more consistently and deeply participate in competitive play. I talked a bit about this in my “How Can I Find or Host Beyblade Tournaments?” article.
I haven’t played in a serious ranked event in quite some time, so my knowledge of some of the finer points of the metagame has probably slipped away … but the meta is very stamina/defense heavy. However, there are still some options for attack available through the use of parts like Flash and Wyvang. It is quite stable now that the series has concluded.
Common Beyblade: Metal Fusion Combo Compositions
There are many other viable variants and some other parts such as the Duo Wheel and B:D Bottom which are competitive, but the most common and competitive combo compositions that come to mind for me include:
- MSF of any kind + Synchrome Wheel + BD145RDF/RSF
- MSF of any kind + Synchrome Wheel + Low Track EWD
- MSF of any kind + Synchrome Wheel + E230MB
- MSF of any kind + Synchrome Wheel + F230CF/GCF
- Maybe a sprinkling of Flash with some type of Metal Face on RF/R2F/MF
Here are some precise combo examples based on the above:
Balance Type Combo: MSF-H Wyvang Dragooon BD145RDF

MSF-H Wyvang Dragooon BD145RDF and its right-spin counterpart MSF-H Wyvang Wyvang BD145RDF are legendary. In some ways, they feel like the poster child of “power creep” for the game of Beyblade.
The reason for that is simple: this combo is a tank.
If you look at the WBO Organized Play Public Tournament Archive, you can see that RDF (Rubber Defense Flat) is one of the top five most popular Bottoms in WBO Metal Fight Standard Format history.
The RDF Bottom is an example of a “balance” type part in the truest sense. It was marketed as a defense type, but in reality it possesses qualities that lend itself well to not only defense types, but stamina and attack types as well. It’s one of the best parts in the series.
RDF doesn’t have the greatest same-spin stamina, but what it does have is great opposite spin stamina due to its extremely wide base that is surrounded by a circular plastic casing.
For this reason, it is often used for opposite spin battles. Opposite spin Beyblades also tend to have strong defense against right-spin opponents, and this is only accentuated by the grip provided by the central rubber tip of the Bottom. Even in same-spin, the defensive power of the RDF Bottom is impressive.
But it doesn’t stop there: the Wyvang Chrome Wheel is not only one of the heaviest Chrome Wheels (if I remember correctly), but it also can produce some intense recoil, which helps it to knock-out opponents. The damage it takes itself from this recoil is minimized by RDF, and especially if your RDF is worn down, it will move around more like an attack type, which enables it to score more KOs.
If the RDF Bottom is worn down too much it can start to scrape (partially because of the BD145 Track’s downward facing three spikes as well) the stadium floor, so keep this in mind.
However, all of this combined with the overall weight of the Chrome Wheels, Metal Stone Face Heavy and the defense and spin stealing boost provided by the BD145 Track helped to make this combo one of the most powerful and infamous in the history of the competitive Beyblade: Metal Fusion / Metal Fight Beyblade scene.
Want to build MSF-H Wyvang Dragooon BD145RDF? You’ll need:

- MSF-H (Metal Stone Face – Heavy – 1 of the following):
- BBG-14 Metal Stone Face – Flame Red
- BBG-15 Metal Stone Face – Aqua Blue
- Wyvang (1 of the following):
- Dragooon (1 of the following):
- BD145 (Boost Disk 145 – 1 of the following):
- RDF (Rubber Defense Flat – 1 of the following):
Stamina Type Combo: MSF Genbull Killerken 90EWD

MSF Genbull Killerken 90EWD along with some of the other stamina types on this list exemplify the importance of Track/combo height in Beyblade: Metal Fusion.
The 90 Track used on this combo is the second shortest track in the game, just slightly taller than the 85 Track. You could use 85, 100, or 105 height Tracks instead, but I find 90 to be a happy medium where you still get an extremely low height but not quite as much scraping risk as 85 at times. That said, I do sometimes still experiment with 100 and 105 height Tracks depending on how I’m feeling.
Having Genbull on the bottom also helps to mitigate this risk slightly due to how relatively thin it is and the way the design slopes inwards.
The EWD Bottom has a free-spinning sharp tip and offers some of the best same- and opposite-spin direction stamina performance in the game.
It can have trouble with some very tall combos and isn’t hard to knock out for low/mid-height attack types, but this combo is capable of destabilizing and outspinning many common mid-height combos using Tracks like the B:D Track, SA165 Track, and BD145 Track.
Want to build MSF Genbull Killerken 90EWD? You’ll need:

- MSF (Metal Stone Face – 1 of the following):
- Genbull (1 of the following):
- BBG-23 Zero-G Random Booster Vol. 3 – Bandid Genbull F230TB
- BBG-23 Zero-G Random Booster Vol. 3 – Shinobi Genbull 130W²D
- Killerken (1 of the following):
- BBG-13 Beyblade Synchrome Battle Set
- BBG-23 Zero-G Random Booster Vol. 3 – Archer Killerken 130B
- BBG-23 Zero-G Random Booster Vol. 3 – Bandid Killerken 125W²D
- 90 (1 of the following):
- EWD (Eternal Wide Defense – 1 of the following):
- BB-100 Random Booster Vol. 6 – Killer Beafowl UW145EWD
- BB-117 Strongest Blader Set – Nightmare Rex UW145EWD
Stamina/Defense Type Combo: MSF Girago Girago E230MB

MSF Girago Girago E230MB can be classified as something between a stamina and defense combo.
It is generally effective against low-height same-spin stamina combinations thanks to the large perfectly circular plastic disk of the E230 Track, which helps it to grind away the opponent’s stamina or smash it downwards if it is on an extremely low Track. It also reduces the recoil the combo itself is taking due to the increase in contact with the plastic versus the metal Girago Chrome Wheels, allowing it to retain stamina for a longer period of time.
An added benefit of E230 is the protection it provides against low-track attack types using Wheels like Flash, which in many ways rely on the recoil produced by metal-on-metal contact to KO their opponents. This combo is not inpenetrable, but for a combo with as good same-spin stamina as this one, the defensive upside provided by E230 is more than welcome.
The MB Bottom is also relatively tall as far as Bottoms are concerned, which helps to to further eccentuate the effects of the E230 Track. The metal ball tip also has a solid amount of stamina and helps to keep the combo balanced. MB is known for how well it is able to help combinations precess (spin/wobble on an angle); most famously this was seen in combinations like Duo Cygnus 230MB, which can do it for longer because the regular 230 Track doesn’t have a large disk around it like E230 does, but nevertheless, the MB Bottom contributes to the overall stamina, defense, and concept of this combination.
As far as the concept itself goes however, I wouldn’t be able to explain it as well and in as much detail as user [)ragon from the WBO did in this excellent combo thread for Girago Girago E230MB on the WBO. If you want to learn more about this combo, I highly recommend checking it out.
Want to build MSF Girago Girago E230MB? You’ll need:

- MSF (Metal Stone Face – 1 of the following):
- Girago (2 of the following):
- E230 (Elevator 230 – 1 of the following):
- MB (Metal Ball – 1 of the following):
- BB-86 Beyblade Deck Attack & Defense Set – Poison Giraffe S130MB
- BB-121 Beyblade Ultimate DX Set – L-Drago Guardian S130MB
Stamina Type Combo: MSF-L Genbull Dragooon F230GCF

MSF-L Genbull Dragooon F230GCF and its variants using the CF Bottom and other Chrome Wheels is best known for the havoc it brought upon the WBO Zero-G Format.
Due to its immense versatility in Zero-G Stadiums, quite quickly the combination of F230GCF/CF produced discussions on the WBO about it “breaking the game”.
Eventually, we decided to place the combination of F230GCF/CF on a trial ban, which ultimately led to a permanent ban from the format.
However, this versatility did not translate in the same way to the BB-10 Attack Type Stadium used in WBO MFB Standard Format. As such, there was never any need to consider banning it.
That didn’t mean that it wasn’t competitive, though.
In the standard format, this combination is designed as an spin-stealing specialist. The free-spinning gimmick of the F230 Track and wide circular GCF Bottom allow it to lean over on its side at low spin speeds and have the top half continue to spin.
If you have a particularly smooth free-spinning F230 Track (particularly, for this combo to work it generally has to be the orange one from BBG-23 Zero-G Random Booster Vol. 3), this allows it to easily steal spin from mid- to high-height opponents and outlast them.
The GCF Bottom has a wide flat tip at its center which produces an aggressive movement pattern around the stadium. In some cases this can make it easy to knock out if you are in a same-spin matchup and need to launch hard to have a chance of surviving since you’ll end up hanging around the tornado ridge/exits.
But in opposite-spin battles, the movement and wide disk of GCF can provide some defense from opposing attack types (especially those on lower Tracks who might not directly hit your Wheel).
Extremely low height combinations due possess the potential to actually dislodge GCF from the F230 Track, so this is something to keep in mind when constructing this combo; make sure the fit is as tight as it can be.
Overall, MSF-L Genbull Dragooon F230GCF is a solid combination with excellent spin-stealing abilities under the right circumstances and an interesting ability to avoid attacks thanks to the attack type GCF Bottom.
It isn’t something you can use almost blindly like you could in Zero-G Format, but it has good matchups against enough opponents to make it a worthwhile consideration whenever playing in a Beyblade: Metal Fusion / Metal Fight Beyblade standard tournament.
Want to build MSF-L Genbull Dragooon F230GCF? You’ll need:

- MSF-L (Metal Stone Face – Light):
- BBG-14 Metal Stone Face – Flame Red
- BBG-15 Metal Stone Face – Aqua Blue
- Genbull (1 of the following):
- Dragooon (1 of the following):
- F230 (Free 230 – 1 of the following):
- BBG-23 Zero-G Random Booster Vol. 3 – Bandid Genbull F230TB
- GCF (Gear Circle Flat – 1 of the following):
- BBG-09 Zero-G Random Booster Vol. 1 – Thief Phoenic E230GCF
- BBG-09 Zero-G Random Booster Vol. 1 – Pirates Ifraid T125GCF
Attack Type Combo: MF-H Flash Escolpio CH120MF

MF-H Flash Escolpio CH120MF is the only combination on this list that doesn’t make use of Synchrome (two Chrome Wheels combined) from the Metal Fight Beyblade Zero-G series. Flash part of the final release of Takara-Tomy’s 4D System–BB-126 Flash Sagittario 230WD–before they started Zero-G.
While the weight of Zero-G Chrome Wheels ended up eclipsing the Flash Metal Wheel, I don’t think anything ever came close to the raw attack power of Flash when up against opponents of a similar stature. Chrome Wheels like Wyvang were also powerful, but for some reason in my mind it doesn’t jump to the front as much as Flash does when I think aobut “What is the best attack type Wheel?”.
But the Flash Metal Wheel doesn’t only possess incredible attack power; it has good stamina too. Something which Ingulit on the WBO demonstrated in his testing thread for the combination MF-H Flash Orion W145MF.
You’ll notice that the combination I’ve listed here is slightly different however.
I’ve traded perhaps some of the stamina provided by W145 for the versatility of the CH120 Track, which can switch between a 120 height and 145 height to help it effectively reach both lower and higher opposing combinations.
And I’ve traded the Orion Clear Wheel for the more aggressively designed Escolpio Clear Wheel. The aim in using Escolpio is to increase its aggression by allowing the Clear Wheel to have a greater impact on taller opponents.
Some people also prefer to use the RF Bottom or R2F Bottoms on Flash to control some of its recoil. This admittedly might be a smarter choice especially when going for a variant like this one, but the stamina and controllability provided by the MF Bottom and its flat metal tip helps to preserve some of its versatility.
At the end of the day this particular variant is a personal preference, so I encourage all of you to experiment and find what works for you. But no matter how you look at it, Flash is one of the–if not the–most powerful attack type Metal Wheels in the game.
Want to build MF-H Flash Escolpio CH120MF? You’ll need:

- MF-H (Metal Face – Heavy – 1 of the following):
- Flash (1 of the following):
- Escolpio (1 of the following):
- CH120 (Change Height 120 – 1 of the following):
- MF (Metal Flat – 1 of the following):
I’d check out the sheet of winning combinations on the WBO Public Tournament Data Archive as well as the MFB Standard Competitive Customs List for some more ideas.
You also may have noticed that a few of the items are difficult to find or might not be listed on eBay due to their age and rarity … if you can’t find them there, another good resource is posting in the Bey Marketplace forum.
The weight of Synchrome is a little bit ridiculous, but I still find it fun to play!
Beyblade: Metal Fusion Tournament Videos
If you’re looking to get an even better sense for how some of these combos work and what the Beyblade: Metal Fusion / Metal Fight Beyblade metagame is like, try watching some of these tournament videos that I created for the World Beyblade Organization:

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What are your favourite Beyblade: Metal Fusion combos? Comment below.
I hadn’t thought about this series in quite some time due to my focus on Beyblade Burst, so it was fun to take a look back and put together this list! Now, I’d love to know what Beyblade: Metal Fusion combos are your favourite. Comment below to let me know!
Finally, thanks again to all of my BeyBase newsletter subscribers who submitted questions for this five part Q&A series!
BeyBase Q&A Series
Read Part 1, 2, 3, and 4
Also, be sure check out the first three parts of this Q&A series if you haven’t already:
22 thoughts on “What are the best Beyblade: Metal Fusion combos? (Metal Fight Beyblade)”
Comments are closed.
My 2 most favorite combos in MFB have to be Big Bang Pegasus XD and Meteo L-drago 100 WD. I liked the first one due to the amount of mode changes available, and the second one spin steals pretty crazily
Cool! Meteo L-Drago in particular is popular in the WBO’s Metal Fight Limited Format.
One of my favorite MFB standard combos is Gravity Perseus (stamina) BD145 RDF. while the weight isn’t high enough to generally be good in standard, the ability to change to opposite spin and the added friction of RDF allow it to generally stay in the stadium and out spin most combos.
Can you make a top 5 sparking combos one please?
I’m working on it! Stay tuned.
Yeah, that’s a great one too. If I had an underrated combo section in this article, that might have been the one I chose. For some reason no one really thought of using it for a while in Toronto tournaments where I live … and then eventually someone did and it was amazing.
I still believe Wyvang^2 GB145RF was a better attack combo than Flash. I don’t think it saw as much use because it was enough of an upgrade to justify buying 2 DX sets though.
The most fun combo I used was Gryph^2 E230BSF. I have an old post on the WBO detailing that combo and why it was so much fun to use.
Oh yeah, that one is good too. I just really love Flash and wanted to have some variety on this list … Wyvang Wyvang gets enough love already on BD145RDF haha.
hai kei,
can you make an article about the best parts of each part
for example the best driver is xtend plus
Hey Rava, that’s an interesting idea. I think it might be really tough to just do a straight up “best part of each part” list because it really depends on the context … but I’ll consider it! I have already published articles such as this one (, so certainly I’ll consider other ideas like this in the future to talk about specific parts again.
Hey Kei, I love reading your artikels, can you make an artikel about the new season beyblade burst Dynamite? thanks
Thanks D.Nate! I will try to make some articles about Beyblade Burst Dynamite Battle this summer. Throughout June I have a few more articles coming out focused on Beyblade Burst Sparking, starting with this one:
My personal favorite metal fight beyblade is Burn Phoenix. I don’t remember if it was good at all, but I loved it!
Also what would be a good alternative to wyvang in the first combo on the list?
You could use something like Killerken or Girago and do well, but you would be sacrificing some of the attack potential that Wyvang provides.
Nice to see MFB getting some attention 🙂
Question: I’m not familiar with Zero-G, so… how well did the Phantom and Death metal wheels hold up?
They’re OK, but I would say in general Synchrome really dominates the format. The only non-Synchrome Wheel you really see that often in Zero-G Format is Duo.
I see. That’s.. kind of disappointing ngl haha.
Thanks for the reply! Love your content 🙂
Could you do a review on the new Dynamite beys? You haven’t made an article in a while so can you tell us what the next article is about?
Hey PoisonHydra, as I mentioned above in another comment: I will try to make some articles about Beyblade Burst Dynamite Battle this summer. Throughout June I have a few more articles coming out focused on Beyblade Burst Sparking, starting with this one:
Hey Kei!
I’m getting back into MFB recently and wanted to get you input on a few things:
Between MSF-H Wyvang Wyvang BD145RDF and MSF-H Wyvang Dragooon BD145 RDF, which combination is superior overall? I recall reading that these were two of the strongest, if not the strongest, combinations to ever be created.
Out of all stamina combos in MFB, would you consider MF-L Duo Cygnus/Hades/Cancer SA165EWD to be the best one overall? I’m interested to see how it fares against low-track synchrome stamina like MSF-L Genbull Genbull 85/90/100 EWD.
Have you had any luck testing MF-M Bahamdia Dragoooon BD145LRF/R2F/RF? Supposedly, it’s stronger than Wyvang Dragooon for left-spin attack. The main caveat of using it is its ability to do astonishingly well against Duo defense combos, which give most other synchrome attackers a fair bit of trouble.
Hello Mu!
1. I’d say those two combinations are pretty interchangeable … the one you want to use depends on what you think you’ll be up against. Maybe Wyvang Wyvang is slightly more offensive since you’re using two Wyvang Chrome Wheels.
2. That’s a pretty great one for that height. The thing with MFB is that height determines the outcome of many battles. So, rather than there being a “best overall” combo, I’d say if a list was to be made you’d have to list them in various height categories (maybe 85-125, 130-160, 170-230 or something like that). But it’s a really nuanced area that depends not just on the height of Tracks, but also things like the shape of Clear Wheels that might interrupt taller opponents. Even I have forgotten some of my knowledge about this over the years of not playing in as many MFB tournaments.
3. Honestly, I never was that fond of Bahamdia. But I believe that it is good in the right hands. 1234beyblade did well with Bahamdia combos at some of our tournaments in Toronto in the past.