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The B-191 Overdrive Special Starter Set features eight brand new parts, a powerful new launcher, and several other useful parts to bolster your Beyblade Burst Dynamite Battle collection.
Perhaps other than the Bearing’ Driver, nothing else in this set quite matches the level of history and anticipation behind the release of Prominence Phoenix. This is thanks to the immense power of its predecessor, Perfect Phoenix.
In this review we’ll be focusing on evaluating how good the Prominence Blade and Phoenix DB Core are in terms of stamina, defense, and burst resistance.
Do either deserve a spot in your line up at tournaments? Let’s find out.
Note: All tests conducted in the Burst BeyStadium Standard Type.
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Product Details
- Product Code: B-191
- Product Contents:
- Dangerous Belial Almight-2
- Prominence Phoenix Tapered Metal Universe-10
- Savior Perseus Giga Bearing’-3
- Full Custom BeyLauncher LR
- System: Dynamite Battle Layer System
- Series: Beyblade Burst Dynamite Battle
Part Weights
- Prominence Blade: 14.63g (Shield: 9.43g, Body: 5.20g)
- Phoenix DB Core: 7.52g
B-191 Overdrive Special Starter Set Review Series
- Part 1: How Good is Prominence Phoenix?
- Part 2: How Good is Dangerous Belial Almight?
Where to Buy B-191 Overdrive Special Starter Set

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Prominence Blade Review

How do you improve “perfection”?
That’s what the Prominence Blade is attempting coming off the heels of the infamous Perfect Phoenix Layer, which dominated the competitive Beyblade scene throughout 2019-2020 and was part of the number three combo on my Top 5 Best Beyblade Burst Combos list for 2020.
What is the difference between Normal Mode and Heavy Mode?

The Prominence Blade features the same “armor” detaching gimmick as the Revive Phoenix Layer and Dead Phoenix Layer.
This time, it is called a “Shield” and can be positioned in one of two modes: Normal Mode and Heavy Mode.

In Normal Mode, the Prominence Shield detaches relatively easily from the Body (the piece that houses the DB Core and attaches to the other parts of the Beyblade) of the Blade when struck by an opposing attack type Beyblade.
This mode is recommended for matchups against attack types where the Prominence Shield can interrupt their attacks once it detaches.

Heavy Mode on the other hand can be used by rotating the Shield 90 degrees and snapping it into place. In this mode, the Prominence Shield is much more difficult to detach, but not impossible.
Heavy Mode is recommended when playing against stamina types as without it, you lose a significant amount of weight which could adversely affect your stamina (usually more than the detached Prominence Shield could affect your opponent’s stamina).
Does the Prominence Blade have good stamina?
Perfect Phoenix was one of the best stamina type Layers ever released in Beyblade Burst, but does the Prominence Blade surpass it and other contemporary Beyblade Burst Dynamite Battle Blades? And how does it do in opposite spin matchups, which are a key consideration for any competitive Beyblade player?
See my impressions and test results below to find out if the Prominence Blade has good stamina:
How good is the Prominence Blade’s same-spin stamina?
Prominence (Normal Mode) Phoenix Giga Revolve-2 vs. Dynamite (F Gear) Belial Giga Revolve-2
- PPH(N).Gg.R-2: 0 wins
- D(F)BL.Gg.R-2: 10 wins (10 OS)
- Prominence Win Percentage: 0%
Prominence (Heavy Mode) Phoenix Giga Revolve-2 vs. Dynamite (F Gear) Belial Giga Revolve-2
- PPH(H).Gg.R-2: 0 wins
- D(F)BL.Gg.R-2: 5 wins (5 OS)
- Prominence Win Percentage: 0%
Prominence Valkyrie Giga Revolve-10 vs. Perfect Phoenix (Level Chip) Wheel Revolve
- PVL.Gg.R-10: 1 wins
- LC pP.Wh.R: 4 wins
- Prominence Win Percentage: 20%
The Prominence Blade has very poor same-spin stamina.
The test results above showcase this, and the results against its predecessor Perfect Phoenix (a combination of the Revive Phoenix Layer Body and Dead Phoenix Layer’s Dead Armor)–a Layer which was released over two and a half years ago–in particular emphasize just how poor it is. There was no contest.
This is a textbook example of how it often is not about how heavy a part is, but where that weight is distributed that contributes to how much stamina a part has.

The Perfect Phoenix Layer with a Level Chip weighs around 28.15g. Prominence Valkyrie-2 (for example; the Valkyrie DB Core is among the best for stamina and 2 lines up well with Prominence) weighs 35.84g.
That’s a whopping 7.69g heavier than Perfect Phoenix (Level Chip). Yet, Prominence doesn’t surpass it for same-spin stamina. The reason is because Perfect Phoenix benefits from the large amount of metal placed near the perimeter of both the Dead Armor and Layer Body of Revive Phoenix. Prominence, on the other hand, weighs much more but has that weight more evenly distributed throughout its Shield and Body pieces.

Beyblades typically have greater stamina if their weight is focused closer to the perimeter, so this results in poorer stamina performance for the Prominence Blade.
Your results may vary, but my initial impression is that if you can avoid it, don’t use the Prominence Blade against stamina type Beyblades in the same-spin direction.
However, by no means is the Prominence Blade completely useless because of this. Next, we will evaluate how it performs in opposite-spin situations.
How good is the Prominence Blade’s opposite-spin stamina (LAD)?
The Beyblade Burst metagame for the past several years has been marked by the extreme importance of opposite spin matchups.
Up until now, for right-spin the metagame has been dominated primarily by the Dynamite Blade and Astral Blade on Drivers such as the Bearing Driver, Zone’+Z Driver, Drift Driver, and Rise Driver.
See my impressions and test results below to find out if the Prominence Blade has good opposite-spin stamina and can stand alongside or surpass the aforementioned Blades:
Prominence (Heavy Mode) Belial 2 Tapered Bearing-10 vs. Vanish Longinus Tapered Bearing-10
- P(H)BL2.Tp.Br-10: 7 wins (7 OS)
- VLN.Tp.Br-10: 3 wins (3 OS)
- Prominence Win Percentage: 70%
- 11 Draws
Prominence was the clear overall winner here, but Vanish definitely put up a fight with those eleven draws. Your results may vary as this matchup can depend a lot on how good or worn your Bearing Driver is compared to your opponents.
During these tests, when I swapped the Disk and Driver being used on both combos, Prominence had a much harder time winning. Yet, it usually resulted in a tie much more often than it actually losing.
For some context, let’s take a look at this benchmark test with the Dynamite Blade against the same Vanish Blade combo:
Benchmark: Dynamite Belial 2 Tapered Bearing-10 vs. Vanish Longinus Tapered Bearing-10
- DBL2.Tp.Br-10: 5 wins (5 OS)
- VLN.Tp.Br.10: 5 wins (5 OS)
- Dynamite Win Percentage: 50%
- 4 Draws
Although the sample size is admittedly small, the difference was clear enough to me and mirrored by experience in this type of match up at recent tournaments. It’s a bit of a toss up between Dynamite and Vanish and you can see that with just 4 draws compared to 11 in the previous result, it seemed more random and prone to the luck of how your Beyblade falls at the end of the match.
The Prominence Blade itself is thicker than Dynamite, which lends itself well to being able to steal as much spin as possible from its opponents. The more vertical surface area, typically the better in these situations.
Prominence (Heavy Mode) Belial 2 Over Rise-10 vs. Vanish Longinus Tapered Bearing-10
- P(H)BL2.Ov.Rs-10: 4 wins (4 OS)
- VLN.Tp.Br-10: 1 wins (1 OS)
- Prominence Win Percentage: 80%
- Note: Rise Driver was worn.
I did a quick test of Prominence on an awakened/worn Rise Driver as well and the difference was even clearer.

Next, I took a look at the performance of the Prominence Blade on the Mobius Driver (Worn):
Prominence (Heavy Mode) Perseus Over Mobius-2 vs. Vanish Bahamut Tapered Bearing-0
- PπR.Ov.Mb-2: 7 wins (7 OS)
- VBH.Tp.Br-0: 3 wins (3 OS)
- Prominence Win Percentage: 70%
- 1 Draw
Prominence (Normal Mode) Perseus Over Mobius-2 vs. Vanish Bahamut Tapered Bearing-0
- PπR.Ov.Mb-2: 5 wins (5 OS)
- VBH.Tp.Br-0: 5 wins (5 OS)
- Prominence Win Percentage: 50%
- 3 Draws
Prominence (Heavy Mode) Belial Over Mobius-10 vs. Vanish Bahamut Tapered Bearing-0
- PBL.Ov.Mb-10: 9 wins (9 OS)
- VBH.Tp.Br-0: 1 wins (1 OS)
- Prominence Win Percentage: 90%
There’s two interesting nuggets of information to be garnered from these results:
- The Belial DB Core works better than the Perseus DB Core on the Mobius Driver with Prominence.
- The Prominence Blade in Heavy Mode works better than Normal Mode on the Mobius Driver.
At this point, I can only speculate on the reasons for this. With regards to Heavy versus Normal Mode, my hypothesis is that perhaps Heavy Mode is more stable because there is less opportunity for the Shield to shift slightly since it isn’t meant to detach while in Heavy Mode.
To properly evaluate how well or poorly the Prominence Blade performs compared to other options on Mobius, I performed a few benchmarking tests:
Benchmark: Dynamite Perseus Over Mobius-2 vs. Vanish Bahamut Tapered Bearing-0
- DπR.Ov.Mb-2: 3 wins (3 OS)
- VBH.Tp.Br-0: 7 wins (7 OS)
- Dynamite Win Percentage: 30%
- 2 Draws
Benchmark: Dynamite Belial Over Mobius-2 vs. Vanish Bahamut Tapered Bearing-0
- DBL.Ov.Mb-2: 5 wins (5 OS)
- VBH.Tp.Br-0: 5 wins (5 OS)
- Dynamite Win Percentage: 50%
- 1 Draws
Benchmark: Perfect Phoenix (Level Chip) Wheel Mobius vs. Vanish Bahamut Tapered Bearing-0
- LC pP.Wh.Mb: 1 wins (1 OS)
- VBH.Tp.Br-0: 4 wins (4 OS)
- Perfect Phoenix Win Percentage: 20%
- 1 Draw
The benchmark tests confirm my sentiment so far that the Prominence Blade can be a little to a lot better than other currently available options for right-spin combos against left-spin high LAD combos.
The Dynamite Perseus and Dynamite Belial tests also confirm that the Perseus DB Core just isn’t that great on Mobius for some reason; it did worse on both Dynamite and Prominence in this situation.
However, do keep in mind that these are preliminary testings and that your results may vary.
The opposite spin metagame is extremely complex in the modern Beyblade Burst metgame due to a plethora of available top tier stamina Drivers with high Life After Death, so these test results are by no means comprehensive. But overall, my impression is that the Prominence Blade’s place–if anywhere–in the metagame is going to be as a specialized counter to left-spin high LAD Beyblade combos.

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Does the Prominence Blade have good defense?
Weighing in at over 14.6 grams, the Prominence Blade is the second heaviest Blade released in Beyblade Burst Dynamite Battle behind the left-spin Guilty Blade. This makes it the heaviest right-spin Blade currently available.
But does this heavy weight, defensive shape, and shield detaching gimmick give Prominence sufficient defensive power to fend off the recent resurgence of attack types in the metagame thanks to the Savior Blade and Guilty Blade?
See my impressions and testings below to find out if the Prominence Blade has good defense.
Note: Bearing’ in the following tests was brand new/sharp and as such did not move much. I launched relatively hard in an attempt to activate the burst stopper of Belial 2. Xtreme’ used on Dangerous Blade and Guilty Blade was significantly worn, but circular indent on tip could still be seen.
Does the Prominence Blade have good defense versus right-spin attack type Beyblades?
The short answer is: yes. To find out, I tested with Prominence (Normal Mode) Belial 2 Over Bearing’-10 against top-tier attack combos using the Savior Blade (and also the brand new Dangerous Blade).
Prominence was bolstered by the incredibly tough burst stopper the Belial 2 DB Core comes equipped with as well as the new Bearing’ Driver, which is slightly tighter than the original Bearing Driver.
Right-spin attack types had been struggling since the incredible Judgement Layer Base slowly became outclassed throughout 2020 and it wasn’t until the release of B-187 Starter Savior Valkyrie.Sh-7 in July of 2021 that right-spin attack started to become a legitimate threat again.

In fact, I even declared it as one of the top three new Beyblade Burst DB parts for tournaments in one of my recent tournament reports.
As a result, I was eager to find out if the Prominence Blade was good for defense combos against right-spin attackers using parts like the Savior Blade. See my tests below:
Prominence (Normal Mode) Belial 2 Over Bearing’-10 vs. Savior Ragnaruk Nexus (S Gear) Quick’-2
- P(N)BL2.Ov.Br’-10: 7 wins (6 OS, 1 KO)
- SRG.Nx+S.Qc’-2: 3 wins (2 KO, 1 OS)
- Prominence Win Percentage: 70%
- Note: Savior not awakened (all three rubber blades in tact)
Prominence (Normal Mode) Belial 2 Over Bearing’-10 vs. Savior Ragnaruk Giga Xtreme’-2
- P(N)BL2.Ov.Br’-10: 8 wins (8 OS)
- SRG.Gg.X’-2: 2 wins (2 KO)
- Prominence Win Percentage: 80%
- Note: Savior not awakened (all three rubber blades in tact)
Prominence (Normal Mode) Belial 2 Over Bearing’-10 vs. Savior Ragnaruk Giga Xtreme’-2
- P(N)BL2.Ov.Br’-10: 7 wins (6 OS, 1 KO)
- SRG.Gg.X’-2: 3 wins (3 KO)
- Prominence Win Percentage: 70%
- Note: Savior partially awakened (2/3 rubber blades gone)
As you can see, Prominence performed excellently.
In my stamina testing up until this point, the Prominence Shield had not detached even once, but Savior was able to quickly and almost without fail knock it off in each round.
You might think that this would be to its benefit because it quickly eliminates nearly 10 grams of weight from the Prominence combo. The Prominence Shield is also lighter than the Dead Armor from Dead Phoenix, so it has a tendency to fly out of the stadium more often than the Dead Armor, which tended to usually land inside the stadium and be more likely to interfere with the Beyblades in the stadium.

However, often knocking off the armor so quickly at the start–the time that is so key to attack types ability to win–slightly interrupted its movement. This, combined with Savior not being able to inflict much damage on the Body of Prominence either afterwards made it very difficult for it to win.
The results do look very similar in each instance, but I will say that the final set with Xtreme’ and the two-thirds awakened Savior were the set that it felt like Savior had the best chance of victory. It also had the most KOs; in the first set of results Savior had three wins, but one was by OS.
If I had a better shot that day, I could see myself getting the win rate to 50% … but even that does not inspire a lot of confidence given that in a pressure-filled tournament environment, you can probably expect your win percentage to lower at least a little bit.
Next, I did a set against the brand new Dangerous Blade which is also included with the B-191 Overdrive Special Starter Set where you get Prominence Phoenix.
Prominence (Normal Mode) Belial 2 Over Bearing’-10 vs. Dangerous Perseus Giga Xtreme’-6
- P(N)BL2.Ov.Br’-10: 6 wins (4 OS, 2 KO)
- DnπR.Gg.X’-6: 4 wins (3 KO, 1 OS)
- Prominence Win Percentage: 60%
This was my first time using it and I just wanted to get a quick impression of its potential and whether the weight advantage it has over the Savior Blade would give it an edge in any way when playing against Prominence.
The results were technically better here, but two of the KOs were almost snipes at the very beginning of the round. My initial impression was that Dangerous wasn’t actually any better than Savior in this matchup.
Does the Prominence Blade have good defense versus left-spin attack type Beyblades?
The final test for Prominence was to pit it up against the extremely powerful left-spin Guilty Blade. Guilty Longinus Giga Xtreme’-2 (and other similar variants) is arguably the strongest attack type combination in the game right now.

Left-spin attack types typically have a bit of a more difficult time against right-spin Beyblades due to the nature of how opposite spin direction Beyblades interact with each other, but similar to the test results against Devil (F Gear) Valkyrie Over Bearing-0 in my Guilty Longinus review, Guilty was able to dominate this matchup.
Prominence (Normal Mode) Belial 2 Over Bearing’-10 vs. Guilty Longinus Giga Xtreme’-2
- P(N)BL2.Ov.Br’-10: 3 wins (3 OS)
- GLN.Gg.X’-2: 7 wins (7 KO)
- Prominence Win Percentage: 30%
Interestingly however, unlike the aforementioned test results versus Devil, Guilty scored all of its wins via knock-out. It was able to easily knock Prominence out of the centre area of the stadium and then often follow up with a finishing blow closer to one of the exits for the win.
The Prominence Blade does not have good defense versus left-spin attack type Beyblades based on these results, but may have more success defensively on other slightly more defensive Drivers such as Zone’+Z. However, this remains to be seen and will require further testing.
Best Beyblade Burst Prominence Blade Combo: Prominence Belial 2 Over Bearing’-10
How to build PBL2.Ov.Br’-10

Prominence Blade, Belial 2 DB Core, 10 Armor & Bearing’ Driver (1 of the following)
Over Disk (1 of the following)
Phoenix DB Core Review

Does the Phoenix DB Core have good stamina?
Until now, the Valkyrie DB Core has been the best DB Core for same-spin stamina Beyblade Burst Dynamite Battle combos.
To find out if the Phoenix DB Core can stand up to the best of the best, I put it up against the Valkyrie DB Core in a mirror match:
Dynamite (F Gear) Phoenix Giga Revolve-6 vs. Dynamite (F Gear) Valkyrie Giga Revolve-6
- D(F)PH.Gg.R-6: 0 wins
- D(F)VL.Gg.R-6: 10 wins (10 OS)
- Phoenix Win Percentage: 0%
Each win was convincing. It was clear after this to me that the Phoenix DB Core does not have top-tier stamina. But just because it can’t beat the best doesn’t mean it is useless. Next, I gave the same matchup a try but swapped out Valkyrie for the Perseus DB Core:
Dynamite (F Gear) Phoenix Giga Revolve-6 vs. Dynamite (F Gear) Perseus Giga Revolve-6
- D(F)PH.Gg.R-6: 0 wins
- D(F)πR.Gg.R-6: 6 wins (6 OS)
- Phoenix Win Percentage: 0%
I stopped at six rounds because the result was the same.
For further context, here is a few benchmarking matchups I conducted:
Benchmark: Dynamite (F Gear) Perseus Giga Revolve-6 vs. Dynamite (F Gear) Valkyrie Giga Revolve-6
- D(F)πR.Gg.R-6: 0 wins
- D(F)VL.Gg.R-6: 5 wins (5 OS)
- Valkyrie Win Percentage: 100%
Benchmark: Dynamite (F Gear) Belial 2 Giga Revolve-6 vs. Dynamite (F Gear) Valkyrie Giga Revolve-6
- D(F)BL2.Gg.R-6: 6 wins (6 OS)
- D(F)VL.Gg.R-6: 4 wins (4 OS)
- Valkyrie Win Percentage: 40%
The first one demonstrates that the Perseus DB Core is also clearly worse than the Valkyrie DB Core for same-spin stamina.

The second one demonstrates that the new Belial 2 DB Core that is also included with the B-191 Overdrive Special Starter Set is actually much closer to the Valkyrie DB Core and a better option if you are looking for a DB Core that might give you a slight edge in terms of same-spin stamina potential.
As such, I can say that the Phoenix DB Core does not have good stamina.

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Does the Phoenix DB Core have good burst resistance?
DB Cores are not made by stamina alone; they also can earn a spot in any Blader’s combo or deck thanks to other benefits such as weight or burst resistance.
The Phoenix DB Core features three tall teeth and one smaller fourth tooth. The teeth fall somewhere between the thicker ones seen on parts like the Valkyrie DB Core and the sharper ones seen on some earlier generation Beyblade Burst parts.

The Phoenix DB Core’s burst resistance is–relatively speaking–high when physically assembled with other Beyblade parts.
However, the Belial 2 DB Core that is also included with the B-191 Overdrive Special Starter Set features three teeth of similar height and thickness, and also comes with the added benefit of a built in burst stopper mechanism that activates during battle when the Beyblade is launched powerfully.

When its burst stopper activates, it becomes nearly impossible to burst … as a result, it makes the Phoenix DB Core slightly redundant. However, in certain situations such as WBO Deck Format, WBBA 3on3 Format, or WBBA 5G Format, you might need multiple strong DB Cores for your combos.
In these situations, if you’re not looking for stamina, but need burst resistance … is the Phoenix DB Core a solid option?
To find out, I put Phoenix along with many other right-spin DB Cores on Astral ? Over Bearing-10 up against Savior Ragnaruk Giga Quick’-2. Although the new Bearing’ Driver will likely be more common from now on, I figured using the original Bearing to demonstrate burst resistance likely would produce more measurable and significant results.
Phoenix DB Core Burst Resistance Test Results Summary
Here’s a summary of what I found in a rough ranked order from top to bottom, with #1 being the overall best and #7 being the clear worst DB Core for burst resistance:
- Perseus DB Core
- Perseus Win Percentage: 75%
- Perseus Clicks Lost Percentage: 43.8%
- Belial 2 DB Core
- Belial 2 Win Percentage: 42.9%
- Belial 2 Clicks Lost Percentage: 43.8%
- Phoenix DB Core
- Phoenix Win Percentage: 75%
- Phoenix Clicks Lost Percentage: 46.8%
- Valkyrie DB Core
- Valkyrie Win Percentage: 75%
- Valkyrie Clicks Lost Percentage: 50%
- Belial DB Core
- Belial Win Percentage: 37.5%
- Belial Clicks Lost Percentage: 59.3%
- Spriggan DB Core
- Spriggan Win Percentage: 25%
- Spriggan Clicks Lost Percentage: 81.3%
- Ragnaruk DB Core
- Ragnaruk Win Percentage: 25%
- Ragnaruk Clicks Lost Percentage: 89.3%
Obviously, there is a lot going on here. And you can dig into the full test results below, but my overall take is that the Phoenix DB Core has good burst resistance, but is outclassed by other DB Cores such as Belial 2 or Perseus due to their similar burst resistance and/or superior stamina.
At best, it is a third string DB Core that could be used if you are trying to build a deck of right-spin defensively minded Beyblades.
Phoenix DB Core Burst Resistance Full Test Results
Astral Phoenix Over Bearing-10 vs. Savior Ragnaruk Giga Quick’-2
- SRG.Gg.Qc’-2: 2 wins (2 OS)
- APH.Ov.Br-10: 6 wins (4 OS, 2 KO)
- Phoenix Win Percentage: 75%
- Phoenix DB Core Clicks To Burst: 4
- Phoenix Total Clicks To Be Lost: 32
- Phoenix Total Clicks Lost: 15
- Phoenix Clicks Lost Percentage: 46.8%
The Phoenix DB Core was the third best when measuring only the “Clicks Lost Percentage”, but it also had a much higher win percentage than the Belial 2 DB Core.
Belial 2 suffered 3 KOs during its test results and Phoenix only lost to OS … which is something that would probably be less frequent when rounds are played with two people and not Savior being launched second.
Benchmark: Astral Perseus Over Bearing-10 vs. Savior Ragnaruk Giga Quick’-2
- SRG.Gg.Qc’-2: 2 wins (1 OS, 1 KO)
- AπR.Ov.Br-10: 6 wins (6 OS)
- Perseus Win Percentage: 75%
- Perseus DB Core Clicks To Burst: 4
- Perseus Total Clicks To Be Lost: 32
- Perseus Total Clicks Lost: 14
- Perseus Clicks Lost Percentage: 43.8%
I was surprised by Perseus DB Core being first place on the above list in the summary as in my hands it felt like it had slightly weaker burst resistance than Phoenix.
However, it’s close enough that it’s probably fair to say that it and Phoenix are close to being equal and that any variance can be attributed to the small sample size. Perseus did win all six of its rounds by OS though; Phoenix won four of six by OS and two by KO.
Benchmark: Astral Belial 2 Over Bearing-10 vs. Savior Ragnaruk Giga Quick’-2
- SRG.Gg.Qc’-2: 4 wins (1 OS, 3 KO)
- ABL2.Ov.Br-10: 3 wins (3 OS)
- 1 Draw (DBF)
- Belial 2 Win Percentage: 42.9%
- Belial 2 DB Core Clicks To Burst: 4
- Belial 2 Total Clicks To Be Lost: 32
- Belial 2 Total Clicks Lost: 14
- Belial 2 Clicks Lost Percentage: 43.8%
I can’t really explain the poor win percentage of the Belial 2 DB Core other than to say that it’s probably just a result of the small sample size.
In my mind, the Belial 2 DB Core is the best option currently available because of the burst stopper–which saved it multiple times–and its level of stamina explained in the previous section of this article.
Benchmark: Astral Valkyrie Over Bearing-10 vs. Savior Ragnaruk Giga Quick’-2
- SRG.Gg.Qc’-2: 2 wins (2 BF)
- AVL.Ov.Br-10: 6 wins (4 OS, 1 KO, 1 BF)
- Valkyrie Win Percentage: 75%
- Valkyrie DB Core Clicks To Burst: 2
- Valkyrie Total Clicks To Be Lost: 16
- Valkyrie Total Clicks Lost: 8
- Valkyrie Clicks Lost Percentage: 50%
The Valkyrie DB Core had somewhat surprisingly decent burst resistance given that it technically only requires two clicks to burst.
But if it gets smacked by a super strong hit at the beginning of a battle, it can burst. It suffered two burst finish losses, which was tied with Ragnaruk for the worst result. In a game where Burst Finishes are usually worth two points … might be worth considering this.
Benchmark: Astral Belial Over Bearing-10 vs. Savior Ragnaruk Giga Quick’-2
- SRG.Gg.Qc’-2: 5 wins (1 OS, 3 KO, 1 BF)
- ABL.Ov.Br-10: 3 wins (3 OS)
- Belial Win Percentage: 37.5%
- Belial DB Core Clicks To Burst: 4
- Belial Total Clicks To Be Lost: 32
- Belial Total Clicks Lost: 19
- Belial Clicks Lost Percentage: 59.3%
The Belial DB Core feels right at home in the middle of the pack. It’s a decent, inoffensive DB Core that can be used on almost anything when you aren’t trying to min-max your stats in a particular area.
Benchmark: Astral Spriggan Over Bearing-10 vs. Savior Ragnaruk Giga Quick’-2
- SRG.Gg.Qc’-2: 5 wins (3 KO, 2 BF)
- ASP.Ov.Br-10: 2 wins (2 KO)
- 1 Draw (DBF)
- Spriggan Win Percentage: 25%
- Spriggan DB Core Clicks To Burst: 4
- Spriggan Total Clicks To Be Lost: 32
- Spriggan Total Clicks Lost: 26
- Spriggan Clicks Lost Percentage: 81.3%
Benchmark: Astral Ragnaruk Over Bearing-10 vs. Savior Ragnaruk Giga Xtreme’-2
- SRG.Gg.Qc’-2: 5 wins (3 KO, 2 BF)
- ARG.Ov.Br-10: 2 wins (2 OS)
- 1 Draw (1 DBF)
- Ragnaruk Win Percentage: 25%
- Ragnaruk DB Core Clicks To Burst: 7
- Ragnaruk Total Clicks To Be Lost: 56
- Ragnaruk Total Clicks Lost: 50
- Ragnaruk Clicks Lost Percentage: 89.3%
The Spriggan DB Core and Ragnaruk DB Core are where the difference becomes a lot more apparent. Both of these DB Cores were constantly bursting or on the edge of bursting.
A few final testing notes:
- Because some DB Cores have differing amounts of teeth, I decided the best way to measure their resistance in a comparative way would be to apply a percentage of clicks lost based on the total amount of teeth they have. I did eight rounds for each test set, so if a DB Core requires four “clicks” to burst, that means it had 32 clicks it could potentially lose throughout the set. In the case of Phoenix, it has 32 to potentially lose and lost 15 of them, meaning the Clicks Lost Percentage was 46.8%.
- It goes without saying, but I’ll say it anyways: this is a small sample size and your results may vary. This is merely meant to give you a rough idea of what to expect. It is heavily reliant on the attack type user being able to inflict strong hits on the opponent. There were also some rounds where Savior might have scored a KO, but it was very quick after one hit, so it might not have inflicted as much “damage” or “clicks” on the opposing Beyblade as some of the longer rounds with several strong hits in succession. My hope however is that all of these instances average out with the ones that had an above average number of large hits to give a rough idea of which DB Cores have better burst resistance and where Phoenix lies within them.

What do you think of Prominence Phoenix? Comment below!
If you’re thinking of picking up the B-191 Overdrive Special Starter Set and have any questions, feel free to ask below and I’ll do my best to answer.
And if you’ve already picked it up, I’d love to hear about your thoughts and testing experiences with it and Prominence Phoenix in particular.
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25 thoughts on “How Good is Prominence Phoenix? (B-191 Beyblade Burst DB Review)”
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Hey Kei! I really enjoyed this article as I haven’t picked up the set and this gives me an idea of what I’m up against. Would you recommend the combo Prominence Belial2 Tapered Mobius(worn)-0 in deck format? This optimizes it’s high LAD against lefts and gives it a stalling ability to OS low tier stamina combos and enough Defense to beat things like savior and rage.
Also how is it that you’ve found mobius to be competetive? It seems like it was outclassed by drift but it suddenly appeared in your most recent tournament and people have been using it more.
Also, would you be open to doing reviews on things like burst limited beys for example the hazard Kerbeus set, Geist Fafnir, or nightmare?
Hey Tegh! Are you TheRogueBlader from the WBO? 🤔
Anyways, PBL2.Tp.Mb-0 certainly seems like it would be good. My preference would be Over, but I can’t say I have compared the two in depth on that combination. Tapered could indeed be better, especially if you have a really good awakened Mobius Driver.
I had always been interested in it since it came out last year, but didn’t really take the time to dive into testing it more until recently when I saw it pop up on some WBO winning combos lists … So far, the reason it is competitive to me is because it has the ability to win against most other high LAD Drivers like Bearing. That’s pretty huge. It just comes at the cost of same-spin stamina. If you have a really good one, it might actually have the best LAD in the game. But I do need to spend more time testing with it to say that with conviction.
I think I answered your question about Burst Limited/older Beyblades in your other comment.
Yeah I am! I commented on BeyBase a couple times before but I wasn’t sure it loaded as I didn’t see the comment on the page after reloading. Sorry if I asked the same thing twice. I just said tapered because maybe people would use over in deck or something. First stage probably over yeah.
Yeah mobius is interesting like that. I’ve seen bladers use it here in California on things like tempest solomon wheel 1S in standard with success and things like alter chronos in limited with some success.
Yeah you answered the limited question in my other comment, I asked again on the WBO because I wasn’t sure it loaded properly.
Sorry for anything I asked twice, thanks for the help Kei!
The Phoenix Core on Astral had a higher win percentage than Belial 2 against Savior Ragnaruk.
Maybe that was because Phoenix has Central Weight Distribution, which would provide it of better defense on the center, while Belial 2 may have more Outward Weight Distribution, lending it better stamina and better burst resistance but less defense.
Hmm, I wonder … I didn’t think that deeply about it, to be honest. I focused more on the results rather than the “why” for this review haha. One thing I will say is that Belial 2 does have all of its mechanisms that operate the burst stopped in the middle area of the DB Core, which would make me think its weight would be more evenly distributed.
hey kei is it better to pick up the b-191 set or the b-188 set?
That’s a tough one. B-188 is tempting because of Astral and Over, I think I have to go with B-191 especially if you are just starting. The inclusion of Bearing’, Tapered, Giga, Belial 2, and the Full Custom BeyLauncher LR is too much to ignore. These are all pretty much staple parts competitively.
thx so much kei i am not starting beyblade but i have not bought any db bey or parts yet so i was wondering if i should get either one
one more thing what part is the best to get for db when i havent bought anything
Hey Kei, I love your articles as they always have in-depth in testing and are very informative. We have seen an abundance in significantly powerful stamina-type db discs, so my question is what are the best attack-type ones currently? (For both right and left spin).
Hey Miles. Thanks for reading!
Honestly, I think Giga is the best one for attack types right now. It can be difficult to use it on an attack type when you are playing a multi-Beyblade format and want to use it on a stamina type … but it really is the best option for attack types overall. Over is too wide, Tapered is too tall and both Nexus and Karma are useable, but simply not as good as Giga is.
hey Kei,do you think Guilty Bahamut Nexus+S Gear and Metal Xtreme -0 good? I tried out against Savior Spriggan.Ov.Quick’ but it couldnt win most of the matches due to the fact that i couldnt launch both beys at a time.Also, why is Giga so overused?
Personally, I wouldn’t use Nexus+S with Metal Xtreme. If anything, I’d use it with Quick’ to lower the frequency of scraping due to how wide Nexus+S is. Savior also might have the upperhand with Ov.Qc’ in terms of being able to outspin Nx+S.MX if they don’t knock each other out.
As for Giga, it’s probably the best overall Disk. That’s why it’s overused. Tapered and Over are also very good, but require more specific conditions to be used optimally. Giga has great stamina and doesn’t get in the way or cause adverse effects to the combo it is on. For example, using Over on the Never Driver can cause premature scraping because Never is short, while with Giga that doesn’t happen.
Hey Kei thanks for the article Prominence Phoenix seems promising!
By the way do you think that the Dangerous blade might be good? You stated that it was around the same as Savior but does it have any specific advantages or disadvantages?
Hey GreaterLonginus, thank you for reading! Personally, overall I don’t think the Dangerous Blade is viable. It’s not terrible, but it’s not great either. There’s not much it can do that other Blades can’t do better. It had similar results in that single set of results you saw in this article, but I believe I actually mentioned that it was likely only do to two of the KOs being near snipes … I’ll be publishing an article about Dangerous Belial Almight soon with more details, so stay tuned for that.
uh kei what db sets should i get im starting out being competitive and i was wondering what beys whud i get to be competitive
Hey Kyle! That’s great. I’d recommend:
1. B-191 Overdrive Special Starter Set
2. B-188 Astral Spriggan Customize Set
3. B-189 Guilty Longinus Karma Metal Destroy-2
With these three products you’ll have a strong foundation for your collection to be competitive in current tournaments.
Great article as always Kei! To think that Prominence can go toe-to-toe with the best left spin blades is quite threatening. I’m also looking forward for your next review about Dangerous Belial. I have a question:
1. I was wondering how Death and Kreis will perform against other MFB competitive combos?
Thank you, Noctua! My feeling is that both Death and Kreis were a passed over pretty quickly when they were released since Zero-G/Synchrome came not that long afterwards. Death in particular saw some use for stamina/defense on things like BD145RDF, but I don’t think it has any notable advantages over the Zero-G Chrome Wheels that came out afterwards.
Kreis I admittedly didn’t test with much when it came out … It’s kind of an inoffensive Wheel. It’s not bad, but it’s not great. I used it for fun in a tournament a few years ago on a low track EWD setup and did OK, but again I don’t think it’s better than any of the Chrome Wheels.
All of this being said, I would recommend seeking out someone on the WBO who has done a bit more testing with these parts (especially recently) for a more detailed opinion!
Do you know if Prominence Phoenix is good with giga and bearing’? thanks a lot!
Hey Mickey. I haven’t tested Giga specifically with it. Typically I like Tapered and Over more … and if I were to guess, they would probably be better than Giga on Prominence Phoenix because of how wide Prominence is.
Okay, thanks!
1. This is was very interesting, Belial 2 being really good with prominence was something I was not expecting
2. Since we know that Phoenix is in the top three for burst resistance, what would be the best combo for it, I’m curious, because my overdrive set should be here in a few weeks
Hey Krissie. Your question about Phoenix is something I’ve been wondering about myself after publishing this article. I don’t have a definitive answer for you though, unfortunately.
Phoenix is usable on a lot of combos and it really depends on what you’re trying to accomplish. If you’re in a multiple Beyblade format like WBO Deck Format, 3on3, or 5G and want to use Belial 2 on one combo, but need a DB Core for another right-spin combo that you want to have decent burst resistance (and stamina isn’t a concern), you can choose Phoenix. Although, in these cases Perseus is also an option and you’d have to test the combo with both Perseus and Phoenix to determine if the extra weight (and the placement of that weight) helps your combo or hurts it.
I use atomic for phonic and karma disc