The Top 5 Best Beyblade Burst Combos (Selected by Expert Players & Organizers)


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BeyBase “Best Beyblade Burst Combos” Article Series

This article covers the best Beyblade Burst combos of 2020. Be sure to also check out the latest installments below!

If you speak Chinese, you can check out a translation of this article by CrazyAries on Bilibili! Part 1 and Part 2.

We all want the best. Like no Beyblade ever was. But is it possible?

Without fail, everyone new to the game of Beyblade asks themselves two questions:

  1. What is the best Beyblade?
  2. How can I win?

Unfortunately, there is no definitive answer to the first question and no 100% effective methods for the second. I’ve played for nearly 20 years across several different generations of Beyblade; this has been and always will be the case.

But you can come close.

How you construct the “best” Beyblades and how you win changes over time; it depends largely on where you play, who you play against, what your opponents expect from you, and what Beyblades are available.

Knowing this, there’s two things the best Beyblade players keep in mind:

  1. They are aware of and invested in observing and researching their competition.
  2. They follow trends in the global and local metagame.

If you want to increase your chances of winning a Beyblade battle and are interested in what some of the best Beyblade Burst combos in the world used to accomplish this are, read on.

How you construct the “best” Beyblades and how you win changes over time; it depends largely on where you play, who you play against, what your opponents expect from you, and what Beyblades are available.

Is Beyblade Actually A Sport?

25 years. 4 generations. And we still don’t know: is Beyblade a sport? A toy?

I wrote a 100 page article to answer this question.

Read Now

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The History of the Beyblade Burst Metagame

Before we can define precisely what the best Beyblade Burst combos are, it will help to first familiarize ourselves with how the series has evolved since beginning in 2015:

2015–2018: The Dominance of Stamina/Defense Hybrids

Beyblade Burst debuted in July 2015. 2015 and 2016 were by and large dominated by the presence of strong stamina and defense/stamina hybrid Beyblade combos.

The Deathscyther Era

Best Beyblade Burst Combo 2015-2016 Deathscyther – Turquoise Version

Deathscyther and Dark Deathscyther were the big players with some of the strongest Beyblsade combos at the time being the likes of DHD, DHR, D2GO, and D2SD.

Valkyrie was the greatest option for attack, but the teeth wore down quickly and self-bursting was sometimes a problem because in reality not everyone can afford to use a brand new Valkyrie at every tournament.

Attack’s First Legitimate Threat: Legend Spriggan

Beyblade Burst Legend Spriggan Layer – Top View

It wasn’t until 2017 and the release of B-86 Legend Spriggan.7.Mr that attack felt like it had a legitimate, consistent, durable threat.

However, the impact of Legend Spriggan was diluted by the released of B-87 Random Booster Vol. 7 Maximum Garuda.8F.Fl two weeks later. For some historical context, check out my BEYBALDE TOURNAMENT report from back then.

Excellent left-spin attacker B-97 Nightmare Longinus.Ds was released later on in 2017, but it too was followed by the equally legendary B-100 Spriggan Requiem.0.Zt. We eventually banned both Spriggan Requiem and Maximum Garuda (as well as their Hasbro counterparts) for a period, which is a testament to how powerful they were.

Hell Salamander & Archer Hercules

Beyblade Burst Hell Salamander and Archer Hercules Layers – Top View

The summer of 2018 was marked by a back-to-back-to-back top-tier stamina releases B-113 Hell Salamander.12.Op, B-115 Archer Hercules.13.Et, and B-117 Revive Phoenix.10.Fr.

Hell Salamander and Archer Hercules are competitive to this day, and the Layer Body of Revive Phoenix is part of the top tier Perfect Phoenix Layer.

These top tier stamina Layers dominated the Beyblade Burst metagame for the back half of 2018 and beginning of 2019.

A Glimmer of Hope for Attack: The Xtreme’ Driver

Beyblade Burst Xtreme Dash Driver

The turning point towards a more balanced representation of stamina, defense, and attack began with the release of Shadow αmaterios 0 Xtreme’ in August 2018.

The Xtreme’ Driver was the first “Dash” Driver with a tighter spring allowing for vastly increased burst resistance in the combos that used it. This burst resistance combined with the soft rubber which allowed it to maintain a tight flower pattern when banked made it lethal as an attack type Driver.

While the release of Xtreme’ did bring the viability of attack types back from the dead, the likes of Layers like Winning Valkyrie, Dead Hades, Nightmare Longinus, Bloody Longinus, and Cho-Z Valkyrie still weren’t quite good enough. You could certainly be successful, but there was a high skill barrier. Precision was often required.

And in most cases, the aforementioned attack types had a considerably lower chance of winning against an opposite spin direction opponent, making it difficult to justify the risk of picking them especially in the first stage of an event that is played using traditional 1v1 battles instead of Deck Format.

How 2019 changed Beyblade Burst

2019 was a great one for Beyblade Burst on many levels. Despite entering its fifth year, the series showed no signs of slowing down.

Tournaments continued with great interest and passion around the world. I personally attended and helped organize events in both Toronto, Los Angeles.

Stamina Alive and Well, Thanks to Dead Phoenix

In terms of releases and the evolution of the metagame, the year began with one of the best out-of-the-box releases of the series thus far: B-131 Dead Phoenix.0.At.

The Dead Armour from this release as part of Perfect Phoenix (Revive Phoenix Layer Body + Dead Armour) created one of the best stamina Layers of the entire generation so far and created a legitimate competitor against the existing best Beyblade Burst stamina Layer Archer Hercules.

The Gatinko Layer System was released not long afterwards in March. It introduced powerful Disks like Sting and Blitz, which continue to see use in all types of top tier, strong Beyblade combos.

Attack Finally Arrives: Judgement Joker & Zwei Longinus

Beyblade Burst Judgement Joker and Zwei Longinus Layers – Top View

B-142 Judgement Joker.00T.Tr 斬 and B-144 Zwei Longinus.Dr.Sp’ 滅 back-to-back in May and June 2019. The Judgment and Zwei Layer Bases have had an immense impact–pun very much intended–on the viability of attack types in Beyblade Burst.

Consistent Strong Releases Through December 2019

beyblade burst imperial dragon ignition dash assembled
Fully Assembled: Imperial Dragon Ignition Dash

August 2019 brought us B-149 GT Triple Booster Set, which included Lord Spriggan, yet another one of the best stamina type Layers in Beyblade Burst to date.

In the fall we had the release of the excellent B-154 Imperial Dragon.Ig’ (check out my review!); the Imperial Layer Base quickly became a top tier part, finding use as one of the best attack types in Beyblade Burst even among stiff competition like Judgment and Zwei.

Finally, the year ended strong with B-155 Master Diabolos.Gn. The Master Layer Base immediately found its way into the cases of competitive Bladers around the world due its high stamina and burst resistance.

2019–Present: Balanced Representation of All Types

The powerful Judgment and Zwei attack type Layer Bases entered the game and were able to compete with not only the existing stamina/defense powerhouses, but even new ones like Lord.

The skill cap associated with using attack types lowered substantially and because of it, a much more balanced representation of Beyblade types has emerged in competitive play.

For instance, let’s look at the top five Layers used among the winning combinations of players who placed in Beyblade tournaments in 2019 up to the beginning of 2020.

The numbers represent the number of times each Layer appeared on the list of winning combinations from one of the top three players at a WBO event in each period (Source: WBO Public Tournament Data Archive).

Top 5 Winning Beyblade Burst Layers January 2019 – March 2020:

  1. Perfect Phoenix: 135
  2. Judgement: 122
  3. Lord: 117
  4. Hell Salamander: 74
  5. Zwei: 57

Let’s compare that to 2018:

Top 5 Winning Beyblade Burst Layers January 2018 – December 2018:

  1. Hell Salamander: 105
  2. Archer Hercules: 82
  3. Spriggan Requiem: 80
  4. Winning Valkyrie: 35
  5. Drain Fafnir: 35

Among the top five most common Layers in each set of data:

37% of these winning combinations in 2019/2020 were attack types (Judgement/Zwei). In 2018, among the top five Layers used it was only 10% (Winning Valkyrie).

Stamina/defense type Beyblades are still vastly more popular due to their inherent greater ease of use, but regardless there has been a clear uptick in the usage of attack types thanks to Judgement and Zwei.

It is also remarkable to see Judgement sitting just behind Perfect Phoenix as the top used Layer of 2019/2020.

Keep in mind that pP was available for four month longer than Judgement; if we even the playing field and track their usage from the point at which Judgement was released at the end of May 2019, pP comes in with 83 entries on the winning combinations list.

While pP may be the best overall Layer when considering the entirety of 2019 and 2020 so far, Judgement has by far been the most impactful since it was introduced.

The enduring power of Judgement and Zwei alongside newer stamina based releases is what indicates to me that 2019 was the beginning of the golden age of Beyblade Burst.

The pool of parts is now enormous and there are countless viable options available for stamina, defense, attack, and everything in between.

But of course, Beyblade is a game about combinations of these parts. So, let’s take a look at what the top five best Beyblade Burst combos of 2019 and 2020 are!

The pool of parts is now enormous and there are countless viable options available for stamina, defense, attack, and everything in between.

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How I selected the best Beyblade Burst combos

How did I compile the list of the best Beyblade Burst combos in the world?

There were four key components:

Analyzed WBO Winning Combinations Data

Screenshot of World Beyblade Organization Beyblade Burst Tournament Winning Combinations data for 2019/2020

The winning combinations data considered when formulating this list was pulled from the WBO Public Tournament Data Archive for 2019 and 2020 so far.

The archive contains a list of the winning combinations used by the top three players at each WBO event since Beyblade Burst began in 2015.

For this list, I looked exclusively at data in 2019 and 2020 from ranked events. To make it easier to view, I made a copy here with only the Burst data.

The main aspects of the data I looked at were:

  • The top ten most frequently used Layers, Disks, and Drivers.
  • What combinations appeared frequently throughout the period in question
  • What combinations or parts have had the most impact in terms of usage in spite of a late release date (eg. the Master Layer Base was released in December 2019, but has already been used 31 times and made the top ten list of Layers)

View WBO Burst Format Winning Combinations Data (2019-2020)

Based on WBO Rulings & Burst BeyStadium Standard Type

line up of white and red burst beystadium standard types on foam mats at tournament

Some Beyblade combos work better in certain stadiums and some work better when the rules are different (such as in the WBBA). This list is based on the World Beyblade Organization’s rules for the standard Burst Format and the Burst BeyStadium Standard Type used for ranked tournaments.

Read WBO Burst Format Rulebook

Survey of Top WBO Players & Organizers

WBO Beyblade Burst Rankings with surveyed players highlighted (Kei, The Supreme One, RED NINJA 0829, Shindog)

The people selected I would consider to either be among the top most competitive players in WBO tournaments in 2019 and 2020 so far.

This is based on the number of times they placed first or the number of different entries they have on the winning combinations list.

Among the five people, several are also among the top most active Organizers on the WBO. Having the experience of hosting many events and being able to observe the metagame first hand is also a trait I considered important to have represented when considering what opinions to factor in.

Based on this, I selected the top five people I felt had the most overall influence as well as valuable and accurate insight into what the best Beyblade Burst combos in the world were in 2019 and 2020. In no particular order:


  • WBO Burst Ranking: #11
  • Tournaments Attended: 11
  • Top 3 Finishes: 9 (First Place: 2)
  • # of Entries on Winning Combos: 49


  • WBO Burst Ranking: #14
  • Tournaments Attended: 10 (3 as Organizer)
  • Top 3 Finishes: 8 (First Place: 5)
  • # of Entries on Winning Combos: 38

Ardmore Bladers

  • WBO Burst Ranking: #10
  • Tournaments Attended: 15
  • Top 3 Finishes: 9 (First Place: 5)
  • # of Entries on Winning Combos: 43


  • WBO Burst Ranking: #17
  • Tournaments Attended: 16 (14 as Organizer)
  • Top 3 Finishes: 2
  • # of Entries on Winning Combos: 7

The Supreme One

  • WBO Burst Ranking: #5
  • Tournaments Attended: 10 (4 as Organizer)
  • Top 3 Finishes: 3 (First Place: 2)
  • # of Entries on Winning Combos: 14

And also myself:


  • WBO Burst Ranking: #1
  • Tournaments Attended: 14 (7 as Organizer)
  • Top 3 Finishes: 8 (First Place: 4)
  • # of Entries on Winning Combos: 43

Above data based exclusively on Burst Format events.

Each person was asked for their own personal top five list, one most underrated Beyblade combo in their opinion, what new part from Beyblade Burst Sparking would have the most impact moving forward, and what combinations in general will be dominant moving forward.

Blader Kei’s Opinion

I have over 10 years of experience with and deep knowledge of the competitive Beyblade scene. I am also currently ranked #1 in the rankings.

While this is an aspect of the list compiled, I didn’t want it to be purely “Blader Kei’s Favourite Beyblade Burst Combos”. What’s “best” isn’t as simple as a single player’s opinion.

I wanted to mix my opinion with those of my peers on and with the combo data we’ve collected from tournament winners to paint a more objective picture of what should be considered the top five best Beyblade Burst combos in the world.

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The Top 5 Best Beyblade Burst Combos

Check out the full list of the top 5 best Beyblade Burst combos below. For each combo, I cover their:

  • Strengths
  • Weaknesses
  • Tournament Usage Frequency
  • Alternatives
  • What you need to buy to build them

Also, I collaborated with the BeybladeGeeks on an overview of each combination with some test battles. Check it out below! Be sure to subscribe to their channel as well!

Best Beyblade Burst Combo #5: Imperial Achilles 00 Expand Destroy Dash (IA.00E.Ds’)

Good attack, stamina, and decent in opposite spin. The issue is burst resistance and finding a good chip to help with that. – Shindog

IA.00E.Ds’ Parts

  • Layer Base: Imperial
  • GT Chip: Achilles
  • Core Disk: 00
  • Frame: Expand
  • Driver/Performance Tip: Destroy Dash

IA.00E.Ds’ Strengths

  • Matchup vs. Right-Spin Stamina/Defense: Excellent attack against right-spin stamina/defense opponents.
  • Good Stamina: Imperial is has surprisingly good stamina for an attack type Layer Base, meaning that this combo has a good chance of winning by outspin (especially against attack types) if it doesn’t win by KO or Burst.
  • Stamina vs. Low LAD Left-Spin Opponents: Strong opposite spin performance against opponents with low Life After Death such as those using flat-tipped attack Drivers or ball-shaped tips like Atomic. Essentially, it can OS any opposite spin combo not using Drivers like Xtend+ or Bearing.
  • 00 is the heaviest Core Disk available, contributing to increasing the combos proficiency in all areas.
  • Expand is the widest Frame available. It prevents the Layer from touching the stadium floor when tilted over near the end of a battle. Only the smooth circular Expand will tuch the stadium floor along with the Driver, which contributes to the combos ability to spin slightly longer at the end of battles.
  • Destroy Dash‘s plastic free-spinning tip compliments Imperial’s stamina by granting higher stamina than common rubber-based attack type Drivers like Xtreme Dash or Quick Dash.

IA.00E.Ds’ Weaknesses

  • Matchup vs. High Speed Attack Types: This is actually a partial strength and weakness. Destroy’ does afford this combo some anti-attack properties, but it is unable to consistently knock-out high speed attack types (such as Judgment Diabolos on Xtreme’) out. It has a chance, though. In the end however, statistically you are more likely to play against a player using slower speed attack types using Drivers like Ds’, Qc’, Ω, Ch, Om, or At given the skill and confidence required by X’.
  • Left-Spin Stamina Types: Poor performance against top tier left-spin stamina types with high Life After Death, generally speaking. Unlike Layer Bases such as Zwei and Judgement which can better overcome opposite spin opponents in most cases. IA.00E.Ds’ is therefore not an ideal choice against common opponents like Master Diablos 0 Wall Bearing.
  • Relatively Low Burst Resistance: The Imperial Layer Base does not tend to fit tightly with any Driver no matter what GT Chip you use. The tightness of Dash Drivers like Destroy’ helps, but a small burst risk does exist.

Tournament Usage Frequency

  • Imperial on Destroy’ has appeared three times on the WBO winning combinations list since December 2019. Imperial was released late in 2019 and didn’t catch on super quickly, but a consistent theme among the players surveyed was the inclusion of Imperial on their list or most underrated combo.
  • The Destroy Dash Driver appeared 54 times throughout 2019 on the WBO winning combinations list, good enough for fourth place overall among Drivers.

Battle Video

Check out this video by JoJo [Jp0t] showing Imperial Achilles 00 Expand Destroy’ in action. Be sure to subscribe to her channel as well!


  • In my review of B-154 DX Booster Imperial Dragon.Ig’, recommended Imperial Achilles Sting Destroy Dash.
  • Disk Alternatives: Being four sided, the Sting Disk from Ace Dragon Sting Charge Zan synergizes well with the Imperial Layer Base and works as a fine alternative to 00 Expand.
  • GT Chip Alternatives: The stock Dragon II GT Chip from Imperial Dragon.Ig’ works very similarly to Achilles in this combo.

Best Beyblade Burst Combo #4: Lord Spriggan 0 Cross Xtend Plus (LS.0C.Xt+)

The Lord Layer is one of the most powerful and versatile layers in the game currently … The combination of this powerful layer and the Xtend Plus Driver combined with the most optimal frame … gives this combo exceptional Life After Death and Stamina qualities. – Ardmore Bladers

LS.0C.Xt+ Parts

  • Layer Base: Lord
  • GT Chip: Spriggan
  • Core Disk: 0
  • Frame: Cross
  • Driver/Performance Tip: Xtend Plus

LS.0C.Xt+ Strengths

  • Stamina: Best-in-class stamina in opposite spin direction matchups and great stamina in same spin matchups. This makes it both incredibly safe and easy-to-use when Xtend Plus is in stamina mode.
  • Burst Stoppers: Lord has built-in burst stopper tabs on the inside of the Layer Base which make it virtually unburstable when used with some disks which grind up against them.
  • Recoil: Lord produces high amounts of recoil when hit sometimes. This can be both a strength and a weakness depending on the outcome. It becomes a strength when the recoil suffered by opponents trying to hit it results in them being knocked out of the stadium.
  • Life After Death: Cross provides the best overall “Life After Death” (ability to continue spinning briefly after toppling over at the end of the batte) of any Frame available for this combo.
  • Driver Versatility: While usage is rare, there can be situations where the additional modes of Xtend Plus are useful for skilled players. Using attack mode against an attack type when your opponent is thinking that you’re in stamina mode, for instance.

LS.0C.Xt+ Weaknesses

  • Burst Stopper Wear: The burst stoppers are a great strength of Lord, but regrettably, they also wear down quickly. This increases burst probability and it becomes more difficult to safely use the piece in a competitive setting. Lord is currently only available in the expensive GT Triple Booster Set, which further exacerbates the problem.
  • Recoil: Lord’s recoil can become a weakness when it doesn’t have the good fortune of hitting a wall or immediately bouncing back in.
  • Vulnerability to Ball-Shaped Tips in Same Spin: Because Xtend Plus has a sharp tip, this combo is vulnerable to ball-shaped tips (Atomic, Orbit Metal, etc) in same spin direction battles. However, running into these is rare in the first stage of an event because your opponent is gambling when selecting one given the inability for ball-shaped tips to outspin Xtend Plus in opposite spin direction.
  • Xtend Plus Wear: Xtend Plus is an incredibly powerful Driver, but the sharp tip also wears down relatively quickly. This makes it difficult to prevent Xt+ combos from moving more than they do when the Driver is brand new.

Tournament Usage Frequency

  • Lord was the third most used Layer of 2019/2020. It appears 117 times on the winning combinations list.
  • 0 Cross was the most frequently used Disk for this combo, with 26 (54.2%) entries on the WBO winning combinations list for 2019/2020.
  • 0 itself was the most used Disk of 2019/2020, with 145 (28.3%) entries on the winning combinations list.
  • Xtend Plus was the most used Driver of 2019/2020. It was used 219 times on the winning combinations list.

Battle Video

Check out this video by Zankye showing Lord Spriggan 0 Cross Xtend Plus in action. Be sure to subscribe to his channel as well!


  • Layer Alternatives: If you don’t have Lord, Perfect Phoenix or Archer Hercules are great alternatives for 0 Cross Xtend Plus.
  • GT Chip Alternatives: The GT Chip does not have a significant effect on Lord (at least when brand new and the burst stoppers are intact). However, Longinus and Pegasus are popular alternatives to Spriggan.
  • Disk/Driver Alternatives: Using 00 Wall, 0 Wall, or Vanguard Bearing are good and popular alternatives to 0 Cross Xtend Plus. These variants sacrifice some same-spin stamina power for better defensive potential. Bearing also doesn’t suffer as much from its tip wearing down as Xtend Plus; in fact, it benefits from it. Bearing actually saw more use (48% of winning combos listed) with Lord than Xtend Plus (41% of winning combos listed), so the choice between the two is quite nuanced and ultimately depends on player preference and situation.

Best Beyblade Burst Combo #3: Perfect Phoenix (Level Chip) 00 Cross Xtend Plus (LC pP.00C.Xt+)

Decent same spin stamina and excellent in opposite spin. For a combo on Xt+ it has decent KO defense even. It is something that you need to either prepare for, play, or both. – Shindog

LC pP.00C.Xt+ Parts

  • Layer: Perfect Phoenix (Level Chip)
  • Core Disk: 00
  • Frame: Cross
  • Driver/Performance Tip: Xtend Plus

LC pP.00C.Xt+ Strengths

  • Stamina: Best-in-class stamina in opposite spin direction matchups and great stamina in same spin matchups. This makes it both incredibly safe and easy-to-use when Xtend Plus is in stamina mode.
  • Defense: Respectable levels of defense against many opponents, especially if your opponent is not skilled with attack types.
  • Burst Protection from Armor: Dead Armor provides an extra layer of defense against bursting as it typically needs to be knocked off first before you have a chance of bursting.
  • 00 is the heaviest Core Disk available and among the best in terms of stamina potential. The weight also helps to increase defensive potential slightly.
  • Cross provides the best overall “Life After Death” (ability to continue spinning briefly after toppling over at the end of the batte) of any Frame available for this combo.
  • Driver Versatility: While usage is rare, there can be situations where the additional modes of Xtend Plus are useful for skilled players. Using attack mode against an attack type when your opponent is thinking that you’re in stamina mode, for instance.

LC pP.00C.Xt+ Weaknesses

  • Difficult to Balance: Because of the multiple pieces of the Perfect Phoenix Layer, it can be difficult to balance properly, resulting in erratic movement that will lower stamina, increase your chances of bursting, and of being knocked-out. Be sure to test out your combination before battle to ensure it is able to spin calmly.
  • Ball-Shaped Tips: Because Xtend Plus has a sharp tip, this combo is vulnerable to ball-shaped tips (Atomic, Orbit Metal, etc) in same spin direction battles. However, running into these is rare in the first stage of an event because your opponent is gambling when selecting one given the inability for ball-shaped tips to outspin Xtend Plus in opposite spin direction.
  • Driver Wear: Xtend Plus is an incredibly powerful Driver, but the sharp tip also wears down relatively quickly. This makes it difficult to prevent Xt+ combos from moving more than they do when the Driver is brand new.

Tournament Usage Frequency

  • Perfect Phoenix on Xtend Plus has 84 entries on the WBO winning combinations list for 2019/2020.
  • Perfect Phoenix was the most used Layer of 2019/2020. It appears 135 times on the winning combinations list.
  • Xtend Plus was the most used Driver of 2019/2020. It was used 219 times on the winning combinations list.
  • When Perfect Phoenix was used, 00 Cross was the most frequently used Disk among tournament winners, with 31.4% of the entries on the WBO winning combinations list.
  • When Perfect Phoenix was used, Xtend Plus was used as the Driver among tournament winners 67.8% of the time.

Battle Video

Coming soon!


  • Layer Alternatives: Lord, Archer Hercules, or Master are great replacements for Perfect Phoenix.
  • Disk Alternatives: The 0, 10, and 7 Core Disks can be used instead of 00. Ωuter can be used instead of a Core Disk + Cross.

Best Beyblade Burst Combo #2: Judgement Diabolos Blitz Xtreme Dash (JD.Bl.X’)

Though the parts on this combo are to be expected for an attack type, Judgement’s rubber and the aggressiveness of this rubber driver allows for Judgement to aim for KOs and, even, bursts … While it is definitely riskier to use attack … a skilled blader can make their way to finals on this combo alone. – LazerBeamz

JD.Bl.X’ Parts

  • Layer Base: Judgement
  • GT Chip: Diabolos
  • Disk: Blitz
  • Driver/Performance Tip: Xtreme Dash

JD.Bl.X’ Strengths

  • Potential to Win Any Match: A skilled player can pilot this combo directly to the finals or top of a tournament with little resistance, blowing by even #4 LS.0C.Xt+ and #3 LC pP.00C.Xt+! It has a chance against anything.
  • Explosive Attack Power: Judgement is by far the most powerful, explosive Layer ever released in Beyblade Burst. It almost single handedly brought attack types back from their competitive grave immediately upon release in May 2019.
  • Incredible Burst Resistance: Judgement has a built in rubber burst stopper on the inner area of one side of the Layer Base. Certain Disks like Blitz and some painted Disks (such as purple 0) rub up against this, creating friction which makes it nearly impossible to burst in tandem with the already tight Xtreme’ Driver.
  • Fast Movement: Before Judgement, the release of Xtreme’ sparked the revival of attack types in August 2018. The flat, soft rubber tip allows it to swiftly move around the stadium in a tight flower pattern when banked. This perfectly complements Judgement and enables this combo to inflict vicious knock-outs, bursts, and sometimes hits so hard they drain the stamina of the opposing Beyblade.
  • Diabolos is the heaviest GT Chip available, which helps to increase the strength of this combo in all type categories.
  • Blitz is one of the heaviest disks available that also fits tightly with Judgement’s burst stopper. It also helps to increase the strength of this combo in all type categories.

JD.Bl.X’ Weaknesses

  • Layer Wear: The main attack points on Judgement are made of rubber, but they also wear down very quickly. It remains usable for a decent amount of time if you save one for tournament use, but its attack power does decrease over time.
  • Recoil: Judgement’s explosive attack power and resulting recoil is controlled partially by the rubber Xtreme’, but nevertheless, brand new Judgement’s in particular can suffer from intense recoil and end up self-KOing in some cases. Because of this, some players may actually prefer a slightly worn Judgement over a brand new one.
  • Lightweight: This combo is a bit on the light side in terms of weight. Especially as the series continues to progress, combos have continually become heavier and heavier. At around 58g, JD.Bl.X’ lags behind other top tier combos which easily surpass 60g. This is part of why using parts like Diabolos and Blitz has become even more important over time; they help to maximize the weight of the combo.
  • 50/50 vs. Mobile Attack: Judgement’s recoil and lightweight in comparison to some other popular attackers (like Zwei and Imperial) results in matchups against them leaning slightly against Judgement. But because Judgement is so powerful, it does at least always have a chance of winning.
  • Low Stamina: The rubber of Judgement and Xtreme’ translates to very low stamina.
  • Varying Disk Tightness: Not all Disks are made equal. Manufacturing differences mean that some Blitz Disks and some painted Disks fit tighter with Judgement than others. Combo tightness is critical when using Judgement, be sure to use your tightest (reasonably heavy) Disk.
  • Driver Wear: Xtreme’ as a rubber Driver also suffers from some wear over time, especially with the soft rubber it uses.
  • Difficult to Control: Attack types are difficult to control by nature, but especially on the Xtreme’ Driver. Many players tend to use the more controllable Quick’, but at the end of the day, in almost all cases Xtreme’ is best if you can master it and execute under pressure due to the speed it possesses.

Tournament Usage Frequency

  • Judgement on Xtreme’ accounts for 28 (23%) of the 122 Judgement entries on the WBO winning combinations list for 2019/2020. This low relatively speaking, but in my opinion reflects the level of skill needed to use it. Many players opted for easier to use Judgement variants largely because it is so powerful no matter what you put it on.
  • Judgement was the second most used Layer of 2019/2020. It appears 122 times on the WBO winning combinations list.
  • Blitz was the most used Disk of 2019/2020. It appears 95 times on the WBO winning combinations list.
  • When Judgement on Xtreme’ was used, Blitz was used as the Disk among tournament winners 46.4% of the time.
  • When Judgement was used, Diabolos was used as the GT Chip among tournament winners 44.3% of the time.
  • Xtreme’ was the fifth most used Driver of 2019/2020. It appears 45 times on the WBO winning combinations list.


  • Driver Alternatives: Within the WBO’s winning combinations data for 2019/2020, Judgement was used on 21 different drivers. In comparison, Perfect Phoenix and Lord were only used on 10 different drivers by tournament winners. And the #1 combo on this list came in just behind Judgement with 19 different Drivers used. This is a testament to the incredible power of this Layer Base. Xtreme’ is arguably the best overall choice, but alternatives like Quick’, Destroy’, Ωcta were popular as well and offer the combo more stamina and controllability at the cost of some attack power.
  • Disk Alternatives: If you don’t have Blitz or don’t have one which fits tightly with your Judgement, try using a painted core Disk like 0, 10, 00, or 7 instead (with a Frame like Glaive or Expand) if you have one.
  • GT Chip Alternatives: If you don’t have Diabolos, try using Valkyrie and Retsu instead. Experiment with the placement of Retsu. You can place the side with more weight on the side of the burst stopper in the Layer Base to place more emphasis on the attack point on that side. Or on the other side to balance it more.

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Heads up: If you buy something through Mall of Toys, you won’t pay any extra, but I’ll get a small commission. This helps me keep things running. Thanks for your support!

Best Beyblade Burst Combo #1: Zwei Diabolos Sting Jolt Dash (ZD.St.Jl’)

The Zwei Layer Base is one of the most powerful attack options in the game currently due to its weight at 15g combined with it’s exceptional upper attack potential from the dual metal dragon heads on either side of the Layer.

The Sting Jolt Dash setup is extremely powerful due to its high weight, low height, and high speed due to the weight of the Sting Disk and the rubber composition of the Jolt Dash Driver. – Ardmore Bladers

ZD.St.Jl’ Parts

  • Layer Base: Zwei
  • GT Chip: Diabolos
  • Disk: Sting
  • Driver/Performance Tip: Jolt Dash

ZD.St.Jl’ Strengths

  • Potential to Win Any Match: Similar to JD.Bl.X’, a skilled player can pilot this combo directly to the finals or top of a tournament with little resistance. What gives ZD.St.Jl’ the edge over Judgement however is its proficiency against practically everything. For instance, within the list of the top ten Beyblade Burst Layers used in 2019/2020, the only one which Zwei can have substantial problems with is Archer Hercules. Judgement can do well against all, but Zwei has the edge over it generally speaking. Given the prevalence of Judgement in the metagame and overall lack of Archer Hercules (especially as 2019 progressed further), it therefore seems that Zwei offers the best overall chance to win objectively speaking.
  • Explosive Attack Power: Judgement may be the most explosive in terms of attack power, but Zwei is certainly right there with it.
  • Weight: The Zwei Layer Base is the heaviest in the game thanks to the two metal dragon heads which adorn it. This increases its potential in all type categories and future proofs it a bit more than the lighter Judgement.
  • Fast Movement: The flat rubber tip of Jolt’ helps the combo grip the stadium floor and allows it to swiftly move in a flower pattern when banked. This perfectly complements Zwei and enables this combo to inflict vicious knock-outs, bursts, and sometimes hits so hard they drain the stamina of the opposing Beyblade.
  • Low Height: The Jolt’ Driver is shorter than most Drivers. This, combined with the ramp-like metal dragon heads on Zwei help to enhance its chances for upper attack, knocking opponents off balance, and inflicting damage through not only thee plastic, but the metal as well.
  • Diabolos is the heaviest GT Chip available, which helps to increase the strength of this combo in all type categories.
  • Sting‘s sleek, relatively thin design synergizes well with the low-profile nature of the combo. Sting’s weight is also considerable; it is among the heaviest currently in the game.

ZD.St.Jl’ Weaknesses

  • Archer Hercules: Archer Hercules counters Zwei relatively well, but dropped off in popularity because it is susceptible to Judgement. The power of Judgement seems to have clouded players view of the resulting situation; more players used Judgement, making Archer Hercules less viable. But in turn, this made Zwei even more powerful upon release due to the lowered chances of running into the main counter to it.
  • Difficult to Control: Even more so than Xtreme’, Jolt’ is difficult to control. Jolt’ doesn’t use the same type of soft rubber as Xtreme’, which makes it a bit harder to maintain a flower pattern when banking the Beyblade. It becomes easier the more it is worn down, but this takes longer to achieve because of the harder rubber used.
  • Low Stamina: The rubber flat tip of Jolt’ translates to very low stamina.

Tournament Usage Frequency

  • Zwei was the fifth most used Layer of 2019/2020. It appears 57 times on the winning combinations list. It may not have been used as many times as Judgement, Perfect Phoenix, or Lord, but it has a strong matchup against each of them.
  • When Zwei was used, Sting was the most frequently used Disk among tournament winners, with 35.2% of the entries on the WBO winning combinations list.
  • Sting was the third most used Disk of 2019/2020. It appears 81 times on the WBO winning combinations list.
  • Jolt’ only appears 5 times on the winning combinations list, four of them being with Zwei. It may not have been used much, but four of the five players surveyed included Jolt’ on their top five list. It is also possible that many players did not evaluate it properly due to the time it takes to wear it down.

Battle Video

Check out this video by Wombat discussing Zwei Diabolos Sting Jolt’ in detail. Be sure to subscribe to his channel as well!


  • Disk Alternatives: Blitz and 00 Dagger are popular alternatives to Sting for this combo.
  • Driver Alternatives: The power of Zwei grants it a great deal of leeway when it comes to what Drivers are competitively viable with it. In fact, 19 drivers appear on the winning combinations list with it. Some of the most popular among them being Quick’, Orbit Metal, Xtreme’, and Destroy’.

Top Tier Players & Organizers Personal Top 5 Lists


This is in no particular order:

  • Judgement Diabolos Blitz Quick’
  • Lord (Left or Right Chip) 0 Cross Xtend+
  • Master Spriggan Around Bearing
  • Zwei Diabolos Sting Jolt’
  • Perfect Phoenix 00 Cross Xtend+


5. Imperial Dragon 00 Expand Destroy Dash

Good attack, stamina, and decent in opposite spin. The issue is burst resistance and finding a good chip to help with that.

4. Zwei Diabolos 10 Glaive Jolt Dash

This is in my opinion the best upper attacker in the game. Even a bad match up winnable.

3. Judgement Diabolos 0 Expand Xtreme Dash

This is in my opinion the best attacker in the game. Even a bad match is winnable.

Shindog’s 2nd Best Beyblade Burst Combo Lord Spriggan Vanguard Bearing – Parts Separated

2. Lord Spriggan Vanguard Bearing

Vanguard offers better same spin stamina than W/T/L, while not losing too much ground in opposite spin. In right spin this combo can actually serve as a decent stationary attacker.

1. Perfect Phoenix 00 Cross Xtend Plus

Decent same spin stamina and excellent in opposite spin. For a combo on Xt+ it has decent KO defense even. It is something that you need to either prepare for, play, or both.

Ardmore Bladers

Ardmore Blader’s 5th Best Beyblade Burst Combo Archer Hercules Sting Keep Dash – Parts Separated

5. Archer Hercules Sting Keep Dash

The Archer Hercules Layer was the most powerful right spin Stamina Type from it’s release on June 23rd, 2018 to January 26th, 2019, which was the release date of Dead Phoenix 0 Atomic, when the Perfect Phoenix Layer overtook Archer Hercules in terms of both weight and overall stamina.

The Archer Hercules Layer has not seen much use since the introduction of the Perfect Phoenix Layer, but has started to come back into use due to it’s high KO resistance and ability to counter the Zwei Layer Base. The Sting/00B Disk gives the combo high Stamina and Defensive abilities due to the disk’s high weight and Defensive shape, which will aid in the combo’s role as a pure Defense Type.

The Keep Dash Driver is the best overall Defensive Driver in the game due to it’s Rubber composition and the very tight Dash spring in the Keep Dash Driver which allows the combo to tank hits from all but the highest tier Attack Type Combos. The Ball Shape of the driver allows the combo to destabilize sharp, Stamina oriented Drivers, which allows this combo to defeat lower-tier Stamina combos. The main purpose of this combo is to counter the powerful Attack Type Layer Bases such as Zwei (and Judgment to a lesser extent) due to the KO resistant nature of the Archer Hercules Layer and the highly defensive rubber composition of the Keep Dash Driver, making this combo the best overall Pure Defense Combo in the game.

4. Zwei Diabolos Sting Jolt Dash

The Zwei Layer Base is one of the most powerful Attack options in the game currently due to its weight at 15 Grams combined with it’s exceptional Upper Attack potential from the dual Metal Dragon Heads on either side of the Layer.

The Sting Jolt Dash setup is extremely powerful due to its high weight, low height, and high speed due to the weight of the Sting Disk and the rubber composition of the Jolt Dash Driver. This combo often has a favorable matchup against Left Spin Lord and most Judgment combos, which makes this combo very useful against the common META combos of the day.

The combination of these factors makes this combo very powerful and versatile in the current Beyblade Burst META.

3. Lord Spriggan 0 Cross Xtend Plus

The Lord Layer is one of the most powerful and versatile layers in the game currently due to the Burst Resistors on the layer which grip onto disks and prevent bursting, and the Rubber contact points on the layer, which give it exceptional Stamina and Defensive qualities.

The combination of this powerful layer and the Xtend Plus Driver combined with the most optimal frame gives this combo exceptional LAD and Stamina qualities. The Lord Layer is also very difficult to burst even with extremely powerful attack options such as the Judgment and Zwei Layers due to it’s built in Burst Resistors which prevents the Lord Layer from bursting from all but the most ferocious attacks.

The combination of these factors makes this combo one of the most powerful and versatile combos in the entire Beyblade Burst META.

2. Judgment Diabolos Sting Quick Dash

This combo has risen to prominence within the Beyblade Burst Meta due to the fact that Judgment Layer base is extremely powerful in its own right, coupled with the fact that Judgment + Quick Dash can potentially beat any other combo in the META given that the user is fairly skilled with rubber flat drivers.

In a skilled player’s hands, combos such as these can usually be piloted to a Top 8 position, given that the player does not run into too many Judgment vs Judgment matchups, which tend to be a bit of a toss up.

Overall, the combination of the extremely powerful Judgment Layer combined with a Rubber Flat driver makes this combo one of the most powerful currently.

1. Perfect Phoenix 00 Cross Xtend Plus

This combo has been my all purpose Defense/ Stamina Hybrid combo ever since the Dead Phoenix Armor was released on Dead Phoenix 0 Atomic. Its overall weight, combined with the very LAD heavy nature of the Xtend Plus driver makes this combo viable in pretty much every situation it will run into, making this combo one of the best Beyblade Burst combos in the game currently.


LazerBeamz 5th Best Beyblade Burst Combo Lord Diabolos II Outer Keep Dash – Parts Separated

5. Lord Diabolos Ωuter Keep’ (Right and Left Spin)

This combo is primarily recommended deck format, and was seen as a direct response to the increase in viability of attack. Originally created by Wombat, all parts of this combo emphasize weight, increased burst resistance, and decent LAD/ Stamina and allows it to tank and Outspin mobile and stationary attack combos.

4. Judgment Diabolos 0 (Painted) Ωcta (Worn)

While this combo may sound similar to the Judgment combo mentioned above, Ωcta makes this combo stand in a separate category from its mobile attack counterpart.

This stationary attack combo does well countering Bearing and Xtend+ combos while reducing its own self-KO risk, due to Ωcta’s extra weight. However, This does come at the cost of burst resistance when compared to the combo mentioned above.

This combo can even burst Perfect Phoenix with more consistency than mobile attack Judgment combos, due to it connecting with Perfect Phoenix at the center of the stadium more frequently.

3. Zwei Diabolos 00 Expand Destroy Dash

As you can see by the parts, this combo is a mixed attacker, being able to achieve KOs, Bursts, and Outspins in a variety of different matchups. Zwei Diabolos 00 Expand Destroy’ saw a lot of usage in both First Stage and Deck Format Finals because of its versatility.

2. Judgment Diabolos 0 (Painted) Jolt Dash

As mentioned above, over the past year the viability has dramatically improved, and it was thanks to the the release of Judgement Joker and Zwei Longinus.

Though the parts on this combo are to be expected for an attack type, Judgement’s rubber and the aggressiveness of these rubber drivers allows for Judgment to aim for KOs and, even, bursts. While Xtreme’ and Quick’ also work well on this combo, I’ve found Jolt’ to work best for me on Judgement as it is easier for me to bank with it. Additionally, Jolt’ is shorter than Xtreme’ and Quick’. It’s shorter height helps with emphasizing Judgments sloped contact points for Upper-Attack. Having a dash attack driver and a painted 0 disk makes it difficult (but definitely not impossible) for this combo to burst, allowing players to optimize attack power while minimizing burst risk.

While it is definitely riskier to use attack in the First Stage, a skilled blader can make their way to finals on this combo alone. In Deck Format Finals, this combo has seen much usage as way to counter Lord/Bearing and Perfect Phoenix/Xtend+ Combos, aiming to KO or the former and KO or Burst the latter.

1. Lord Diabolos II 7 (Painted) Lift Bearing (Right and Left Spin)

I feel that the versatility of this combo makes it incredibly competitive. Having Lord Diabolos II 7 (Painted) Bearing is a must have for any competitive blader.

It can make or break a player’s experience during the first stage of WBO events, being able to outspin most, if not all, opposite spin opponents. Lift’s mode change gives this combo the versatility to avoid scrape if going up against an opponent’s same spin stamina combo. Of course, with the resurgence of attack in the META over the past year or so, Bearing combos have become more and more susceptible to KOs.

The Supreme One

5. Zwei Longinus Blitz Destroy’

While Zwei has never been a favorite of mine, it would be remiss of me to not include it in the list.

To mitigate Zwei’s greatest weakness (its recoil) I chose Ds’, which offers an element of control while still being aggressive enough to KO same-spin combos when launched correctly. In the months leading up to the WBO’s tournament hiatus, Zwei proved its viability by being a top pick in deck and the most competitive attack layer in a Master meta.

4. Judgement Diabolos 00 Expand Ωcta

Judgment Joker was a welcome addition to the Standard meta in 2019 and remained a competitive attack type leading into 2020.

In my opinion, what makes Judgment in particular a strong attack type is its versatility. Moreso than Zwei, Judgment has the potential to KO opposite-spin opponents and on the right set-up can even win by out-spin. Expand is my personal favorite frame for attack, and fits nicely on this combo, which serves as a reliable “wildcard” for deck when you’re A. not confident in launching X’ or B. need an attacker that can out-spin an opposing attack combo if need be.

3. Lord Spriggan (Right Spin) 00 Wall Bearing

Like Perfect Phoenix, Lord Spriggan has stood the testament of time.

While the ideal setup for this layer has evolved over the past year (left-spin Lord Br > right-spin Lord Xt+ > right-spin Lord Br), it remained a solid deck choice all the way into 2020. My decision to choose right-spin Lord on Bearing reflects the meta as of early 2020, at which point it had been outclassed in left-spin stamina by Master (Lord Spriggan Hybrid excluded) and served primarily as a left spin Master and Zwei counter in deck.

2. Perfect Phoenix Sting Xtend+

As the only layer to perfectly counter left-spin Master, Perfect Phoenix takes second. Not only did this layer dominate the first half of 2019, but even after being phased out when Takara Tomy buffed attack types, it managed to resurface as a competitive stage 1 counter for the most versatile combo in the game.

Up until the WBO’s temporary tournament suspension due to COVID-19, Perfect Phoenix Xt+/Vl’ could be considered a top tier pick in deck as a counter to Master Xt+ and an indirect counter to right-spin Lord on Bearing – Master Diabolos Xt+’s other top counter.

The Supreme One’s Best Beyblade Burst Combo – Master Diabolos 00 Cross Xtend Plus – Top View

1. Master Diabolos 00 Cross Xtend Plus

Master Diabolos makes the top of the list without question due to its sheer versatility.

Prior to pP resurfacing as a counter, Master in left spin was thought to be virtually unbeatable. I attribute my undefeated records at Old Beyblade III in MD and Master Diabolos of None in Brooklyn 2 weeks later to this combo, where it defeated several variations of Zwei, Judgment, and Lord, and managed to score several recoil KOs from attack types in addition to many out-spins.

What made Master so problematic prior to the COVID-19 outbreak was the fact that like many top tier layers before it, it was competitive in a given category without the tradeoff of being weak in others (in this case, defense). Don’t get me wrong, Master is not a safe pick against attack, but against a layer with heavy recoil, like Zwei, the odds are 50-50, when it should be at a disadvantage.

Blader Kei

5. Imperial Achilles Sting Destroy’

This is the combo I recommended in my review of Imperial Dragon.

While I generally feel that to be among the “best” overall combos you need to either have top tier Life After Death potential or have the ability to KO/Burst both same and opposite spin combinations with higher LAD (like JD.Bl.X’ is capable of), I’m making an exception for IA.St.Ds’.

Similar to the #5 combo on the main list, IA.St.Ds’ has a chance against practically everything except high LAD opposite spin stamina types. And even then, because of Ds’, it has decent enough LAD to outspin opponents using common Drivers like Atomic (the third most used Driver of the year).

It has not only KO and Burst potential, but also outspin potential against many opponents thanks to its unique combination of both stamina and attack.

Blader Kei’s 4th Best Beyblade Burst Combo Master Spriggan 00 Wall Bearing – Parts Separated

4. Master Diabolos II 00 Wall Bearing

Master Diabolos was released right at the end of 2019 on December 26th. Yet, it still cracked the top 10 Layers used in WBO tournaments between the period I sampled for this article (Jan 2019 – March 2020), finishing in ninth place.

This combo is virtually unburstable (even without using Disks like Around or Paradox which grind up against Master) and has top tier life after death (performance against opposite spin stamina types). It also shuts down Judgement to a degree nothing else really has to this point. Given the massive popularity of Judgement and its quick rise in popularity, it deserves to be on my top 5 best Beyblade Burst combos list.

I admittedly didn’t get a chance to use it in WBO tournaments as I was away in Japan when it came out, but it did well for me in tournaments there.

3. Perfect Phoenix (Level Chip) 0 Cross Xtend+

Perfect Phoenix isn’t perfect, but it’s close. Perfect Phoenix and Xtend Plus were easily the most used pieces in their respective categories throughout the year, and for good reason. Top tier stamina and solid defense make this combo successful in a wide variety of competitive situations.

Blader Kei’s 2nd Best Beyblade Burst Combo Zwei Diabolos Paradox Hunter Dash – Parts Separated

2. Zwei Diabolos Paradox Hunter’

While Sting Jolt’ on Zwei Diabolos was selected for the main list based on tournament data and the feedback of the players I surveyed, my personal preference lies elsewhere. Xtreme’ would be my typical choice, but this particular variant with Paradox and Hunter’ is something I found success with while in Japan.

It seemed to rip through pretty much anything that was put in front of it, including Perfect Phoenix combos. The width of Paradox helps to prevent or delay it from KOing itself at times and to increase the chances of hitting the opponent. It can cause scraping which you have to be careful of, though.

The controllability of Hunter’ seemed to work quite well to help make this more manageable. Even though it wasn’t as fast as some attackers, it did well at tanking a lot of what was put up against it.

I’m not sure if this is the best variant for Zwei, but it’s the one which left a positive impression on me in the last few tournaments I played in back in February 2020.

1. Judgement Diabolos Blitz Xtreme’

While I still stand behind the somewhat data and opportunity driven decision for putting Zwei at the top of the main list, based on what I actually have the most confidence and experience with, it was hard to not put JD.Bl.X’ as #1.

For so long we had experienced what excellence looks like for stamina/defense hybrids in Beyblade Burst.

Judgement paired with Xtreme’ is what excellence looks like for attack types in Beyblade Burst. It has set the gold standard moving forward.

Bonus: Top Underrated Competitive Beyblade Burst Combos

RED NINJA 0829: Imperial & Tact Layers

RED NINJA 0829’s Underrated Best Beyblade Burst Layers Imperial and Taxt – Top View

Imperial. I Know people would say WhAt!?! It WaS uSEd tO WiN BeyBlADe WeST!?!? After the Tournament win by King Loofa no one has ever used Imperial to a good extent much in the area. And another one might be Tact since with some layer weights (I haven’t tested them all) the clicks were pretty tight even on Bearing.

RED NINJA 0829 also put together a video pitting most of the top five versus a selection of five underrated combos:

Shindog: Judgement Diabolos Blitz Ωcta

Shindog’s Underrated Best Beyblade Burst Combo Judgement Diabolos Blitz Octa – Parts Separated

JD.Bl.Ωcta aka “Danger Bomb” Is my pick … basically because it is so good at bursting pP.00C.Xt+ and KOing just about anything, including itself. It is a risky combo to use for sure and it does have some burst risk as Blitz tends to be less tight than a painted 0 or 5.

Ardmore Bladers: Imperial Achilles Around Unite Dash

Ardmore Blader’s Underrated Best Beyblade Burst Combo Imperial Achilles Around Unite Dash – Parts Separated

One Beyblade Burst combo I feel is underrated in 2019/2020 is Imperial Achilles Around Unite Dash.

Although the heaviest layer base in the game, upon release, the Imperial Layer Base was overshadowed by other extremely powerful Attack Type Layer Bases such as Judgment and Zwei at the first WBO Tournament it was present at, Beyblade West @ Strange Cereal. The Imperial Layer Base was primarily used by KingLoofa, who used it almost exclusively in the Finals, and ultimately won the tournament, defeating high value players such as JoJo [Jp0t], originalzankye, and Kei in the finals.

The Around Disk has some of the highest Stamina in the game and also has fairly high Attack power as well, but has remained fairly uncommon due to only being released on both Prize Beyblades, Gaia Dragoon Around Hunter Dash and Flare Dragon Around Planet 閃 in Random Booster Vol. 16.

The Unite Dash Driver is one of the best Anti Attack Drivers currently, and also has fairly good Stamina even though it was released as a Balance Type Driver. The main contact point with the stadium is a plastic spike, giving the combo fairly decent Stamina, but mostly relying on Imperial’s massive weight to outspin same-spin opponents.

In my opinion, this combo is one of the most powerful Anti-Attack combos in the game currently, utilizing Imperial’s high weight and Attack Power along with Around’s high Stamina, and the fairly aggressive movement pattern of the Unite Dash Driver to be able to beat pretty much every Attack Type opponent this combo could come across in competitive play.

Overall, I think I was the only player on the WBO to use this combo in a tournament, but I believe that this combo is easily one of the best Anti-Attack combos currently, and I think that competitive players should give this combo a thought if they expect to be matched up against a Judgment or Zwei Combo in a tournament.

LazerBeamz: Imperial Valkyrie Around Destroy’

LazerBeamz Unerrated Best Beyblade Burst Combo Imperial Valkyrie Around Destroy Dash – Parts Separated

I personally feel as if Imperial, in general, has not seen much usage competitively as the other combos above [Note from Kei: on his personal top five list]. This combo is essentially a right spin version of the Zwei Diabolos combo mentioned above. Imperial on it’s own has impressive stamina and can tank hits due to it’s size and shape. On Around/Wheel and Destroy’, its stamina and ability to deal with other attack combos makes it able to respond to various match ups.

The Supreme One: Lord Spriggan Hybrid

The Supreme One's Underrated Best Beyblade Burst Combo Lord Spriggan Hybrid – Top View

I STILL don’t feel super strongly about underrated combos, but I’ll say Lord Spriggan Hybrid. What most players don’t realize is that when paired with the right layer, Hybrid often falls at the top of the same spin stamina hierarchy. Left Spin Lord Spriggan Hybrid actually outspins Left Spin Master Diabolos and other same spin stamina combos with ease and can be considered a top pick in deck when paired with Left Spin Master Xt+ and something like Judgment to counter pP and Right Spin Lord Spriggan Br.

Blader Kei: Cho-Z Valkyrie 00 angle Xtreme’

Blader Kei’s Underrated Best Beyblade Burst Combo Cho-Z Valkyrie 00 angle Xtreme Dash – Parts Separated

Although nobody will argue against the fact that Judgement is what truly revolutionized the Beyblade Burst metagame, before this attack types were still viable with Xtreme’. Harder to use, but still viable.

While outclassed now, Cho-Z Valkyrie 00 αngle Xtreme’ was the best attack combo in the game up until the release of Judgement Joker. If you look at the winning combinations data, I was almost the only person who successfully used Xtreme’ up until the end of May 2019.

This combo helped me to win two tournaments, including BEYBLADE SHOGATSU 2019, the second largest WBO tournament ever hosted with over 160 participants. I was down 0-3 to OldSchool™ in the finals and battled back to win 5-4.

In early 2019, I think players seriously underrated or overlooked combos like this.

Bonus: Best Beyblade Burst Sparking Combo & Part Predictions

Beyblade Burst Sparking Super Hyperion King Helios Glide Ragnaruk and Sparking Launcher


What will the most impactful part from Beyblade Burst Sparking be?

Super And Wheel. Super has contacts like Zwei which could be used for upper attack. Stock Hyperion has seen some good results. Wheel could be used as the new disk for Xtend+. Although on pP the armour could fall of since of the short disk tabs.

What Beyblade combos do you feel will be dominant moving forward?

  • Super With A Rubber Attack Driver
  • Glide On 2A
  • Brave On Xc
  • Mirage Helios 00Wall Bearing 1S
  • Rage Helios Jl’ 3A


What will the most impactful part from Beyblade Burst Sparking be?

I think if events restart soon Brave and 2A will make an impact. It is somewhat good at everything. Jack of all trades, master of none in my opinion.

What Beyblade combos do you feel will be dominant moving forward?

I think pP.Wh.Xt+ will have a big impact in the game. Even with the burst risks, its performance against stamina combos in either spin direction is very impressive. I think Mirage Fafnir and 2S might be another new target for putting an Xt+ on. The double chassis seem to do well to improve burst resistance and 2S sound like it might work well with Xt+.

Ardmore Bladers

What will the most impactful part from Beyblade Burst Sparking be?

I think that the new Sparking Double Chassis system will have the greatest impact when events begin again, because of their very high weight and the high burst resistance.

These Double Chassis are incredibly powerful in that they weigh on average, about 43 or more grams which, combined with a Sparking Layer, can weigh the same or more than that of a Cho Z or GT Layer Disk Combination. The extremely aggressive designs of the Double Chassis released so far give Sparking Attack combos High Attack Power, and high enough weight that the Sparking Combo has the potential to outspin a same-spin opponent.

In addition to the Sparking Chassis, the Sparking Drivers also seem to have some potential so far, such as Xceed and Universe. Xceed seems to be a fairly powerful Attack Type Driver in my testing so far, and Universe looks to have decent LAD from the videos I’ve seen, but I have yet to obtain this Driver so far. Overall, the Sparking System Beyblades seem to have potential, and the system will only become better in the future, so I think that the Sparking System will be very formidable when tournaments start back up again.

What Beyblade combos do you feel will be dominant moving forward?

I feel that Stamina oriented combos with high LAD such as Lord Spriggan 0 Cross Xtend Plus, Lord Spriggan 0 Wall Bearing, and Perfect Phoenix 00 Cross Xtend Plus will be dominant going forward, along with Attack combos like Judgment Diabolos Xtreme Dash or Quick Dash, but Sparking combos with Super Hyperion, Brave Valkyrie, and potentially Rage Longinus and Mirage Fafnir will have an effect on the META as well.

I’m sure that extremely powerful Attack Layers such as Judgment Diabolos and Zwei Diabolos are here to stay in tournaments, but Sparking Layer/Chassis Combos such as Brave Valkyrie 1A/2A Destroy Dash/Ultimate Reboot Dash will most likely have an effect on the meta as well. New releases like Rage Longinus may come to replace mainstay Left Spin Attack Combos such as Zwei Diabolos Jolt Dash and new, more powerful releases in the future may replace other standard Attack Combos such as Judgment Diabolos Quick Dash/Extreme Dash.

Overall, I think the META will continue to evolve with the release of more Sparking System Beyblades and I think Attack Types will continue to be extremely prevalent in tournaments with the release of new, META Attack Types in the future.


What will the most impactful part from Beyblade Burst Sparking be?

. After having testing it for myself, 2A’s high burst resistance, heavy weight, and strong potential for both attack and spin-stealing combos makes it a part I am incredibly excited about. Some have already begun using Brave Valkyrie Xtend+ Bearing/ Xtend+ in testing to great effect. As we get access to more right spin Sparking layers, 2A will definitely be seen in a variety of different combos and frequently make its way into Winning Combos lists.

What Beyblade combos do you feel will be dominant moving forward?

Personally, I don’t think the META will change dramatically. I think we will still continue to see familiar combos (Lord and Judgment combos) continue to top Winning Combo charts when WBO tournaments start up again.

Even then, I do see the META shifting towards seeing more mixed attackers, given that these full chassis increase burst resistance dramatically and will allow players to use stamina drivers with minimal burst risk. Because of this, I see these following combos surfacing:

Of course, we will see older combos get optimized further as their SPARKING counterparts/ Backwards compatible parts release. I think combos similar to these topping Winning Combo lists:

  • Mirage Longinus 00 Lift/Wall Bearing 1S
  • (SPARKING Spriggan) (00 Lift/Wall) Bearing (2A/1B/2S)
  • Rage Longinus Destroy’ 3A
  • Perfect Phoenix Wheel Xtend+

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Heads up: If you buy something through Mall of Toys, you won’t pay any extra, but I’ll get a small commission. This helps me keep things running. Thanks for your support!

“Best” is fleeting.

Finding the answer to “What is the best Beyblade?” is what drives competitive players. The reality however is that the answer is always just out of reach.

The suspension of Beyblade events around the world due to COVID-19 granted us a unique opportunity to both reflect and prepare for the future.

Until now we’ve never really seen an analysis of competitive data combined with player surveys published before. Perhaps because we were always focused on what comes next.

What comes next might not be clear right now, but I’m sure we’ll get there in due time.

My hope is that this article and ensuing discussion will become a valuable artifact for the community and influence players everywhere to think more deeply about this game moving forward.

Finding the answer to “What is the best Beyblade?” is what drives competitive players. The reality however is that the answer is always just out of reach.

There is no perpetual “best”, only “good”. But even good is dependent entirely on context.

Beyblade is a game fraught with endless variables. Yet, a glimmer of understanding and control is always apparent to those who study it. This tug of war between variance and concurrence is part of what makes the game fun when you look beyond the chaotic surface level action of two spinning tops battling in an arena.

Top 5 Best Beyblade Burst Combos

What do you think the best Beyblade Burst combos are? Comment below!

The list compiled here is reflective of the overall power of attack types in 2019 and the fact that stamina types are inherently less powerful versatile objectively speaking.

That said, while the data and opinions gathered for this article may have directed me this way, but I also am well aware that each of us has our own personal preferences.

What do you think the best Beyblade Burst combos are? Comment below as I’d love to hear from you!

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Check out the gallery of best Beyblade Burst combos below. And if you’re a Pinterest user, I’ve created a board you can use to pin and save them for future reference.

I’ve been playing Beyblade since 2002 and staff since 2009. Since then, I've won over 60 tournaments
 and hosted over 100 as an organizer in Canada, the US, and Japan. With BeyBase, I aim to help players deepen their understanding of competitive Beyblade and improve their tournament performance!

39 thoughts on “The Top 5 Best Beyblade Burst Combos (Selected by Expert Players & Organizers)

  1. Absolutely fantastic article. I LOVE that this wasn’t a mere list but a thorough breakdown of strengths, weaknesses, and alternatives. Anyone serious about competing needs to read this article. I pick @Shindog’s brain a good bit but I love getting to hear from other successful bladers.

    As for combos, these are at the top of my list:

    LC pP.Ω.Xt+
    ZDb.Bl.Qc’ 極

    1. can you use Dread Pheonix p5 (Level Chip) 10 vortex Xtend+ insted of Perfect Pheonix p5 (Level Chip) 0 Cross Xtend+?

  2. Thank you so much, SupaDav03! Your feedback exactly what I was hoping for; I wanted to make this article the definitive overview and starting point for further discussion of the Beyblade Burst competitive scene. Both looking back and looking forward. This is why I went to such great lengths to ensure it was as comprehensive and representative of the game as possible.

    For players already playing competitively much of what’s outlined here might not come as a surprise, but I think some of the finer points about the statistics or individual variation among the players surveyed are interesting to think about. Perhaps more importantly however is the value of something like this for new players. Hopefully it sparks their interest!

    Interesting to see your top five list. What order is it in?

    Why Ωuter for Perfect Phoenix over 00C/0C/etc? Ωuter is great, but I feel like it’s just a bit outclassed.

    Any particular reason for Bump on Judgement?

    Nice to see Vanguard on Master Spriggan. Vanguard slowly started to catch on a bit in WBO tournaments, but I think it’s still not as popular as it was earlier this year when I was in Japan. People are sleeping on it a little.

  3. I’m surprised you didn’t ask me for my opinion… I may not be as high as some of the others but I have tricks up my sleeve.

    Top 5 Combos: no particular order
    1. Master Spriggan 00Wall Bearing (Left Spin) – MS.00W.Br or alternatively MB.Ar.Br is a combo I haven’t really used much but when I have used it it has definitely got me out of trouble most notably beating Judgement Quick’/Xtreme’ maybe Zwei I haven’t tested that.

    2. Lord Spriggan/Fafnir/Diabolos2 0Cross Xtend+ (Left Spin Stamina) – Lord Xtend+ is definitely known for its great spin steal and stamina and other surprises. This has been used a lot not just be me but likely a lot of other people who are able to make the combo I mean come on its Top tier.

    3. Judgement Odin Blitz Atomic/Evolution’ Sou – I’ve only used this competitively with Atomic and basically this thing is able to defeat Lord Xtend+ combos… well most of them… I’m looking at you Red… anyway it is better if used in Deck Format.

    4. Imperial Achilles/Dragon2 aero’Expand Destroy’ – I haven’t used this competitively but basically like IA.00E.Ds’ but using something light like aero’ or 13 increases Burst resistance.

    5. To be honest I only got a Top 4 nothing else is good to be in my Top 5.

    Underrated: Naked Diabolos Paradox Octa – bruh you got Diabolos the heaviest chip… well its a weight/chip. Naked with Paradox Defense, and Octa… you’re gonna have some good defense with that sadly haven’t really seen anyone use it.

    Impactful Sparking parts: Brave, Rage, and maybe Mirage

    For Sparking combos… only time will tell… though from what I’ve tested Brave Valkyrie Ul’ 2A is pretty good.

    1. As I mentioned on the WBO: “Sorry I didn’t ask you! The criteria for being selected were quite rigorous. Among Burst Format 2019/2020 data you had to have some combination of the following: have among the most entries on the winning combinations list, among the most first place finishes, be within the Top 25, have among the most tournaments hosted. I knew the article was going to take me a long time to assemble (it took me over 30 hours) and I only had so much time … so I went with the five people who best matched these criteria because it seemed like if I was going to ask five people, they would be the ones able to best represent what the “best” Beyblade Burst combos were because of their experience.

      Of course, I realize there are many other active and great players out there too. So, while the list in my article is meant to be as definitive as possible in a certain sense, what I want more is for it to serve as a starting point for discussion and players to think more deeply themselves about what the “best” combos are and why.”

      And thanks for posting your top five best Beyblade Burst combos!

      1. MS.00W.Br: I feel like 00W is better than Ar for this. People were all hyped up on Around when it came out and it was discovered to grind cup against the Master Layer Base, but in reality, the extra burst resistance that provides just isn’t needed. I’d rather trade that for higher LAD. And yeah, Master’s proficiency against Judgement is amazing.

      3. JO.Bl.At: Atomic was used a lot on Judgement when it first came out. Probably because it is one of the easiest variants to use. But it pretty quickly fell out of favour in my eyes once more people started using flat rubber Drivers like Qc’ and X’ … hard for Judgement Atomic to defend against that. Using Atomic might give you the ability to OS some same spin stuff, but not sure it’s worth the trade off to use a plastic ball shaped tip especially given the recoil Judgement suffers from.

      4. Interesting idea with aero’ and 13! Bursting certainly is a downside for this combo. Does it hold up same spin stamina wise when using those Disks, though?

      Underrated: I’ll have to try that out! I threw Naked aside pretty quickly when it came out, but I saw a lot of people using it on Xtend+ in Japan. I’ll have to revisit it later.

  4. Hey… um, you asked me to post this here so… um… here I go?

    I personally think that Master Fafnir 00 Glaive Xtend+ should’ve been on the list just be of how much it counters and beats, plus, it’s a Super – pun intended – safe combo in first stage.

    Master, is quite good, and excels in left spin. But, most people just slap Bearing onto it. But why do that when you could give it Xt+, which is on par with Bearing in opposite spin, but is also Xtremely – puns are inevitable – good at same spin, which makes it much safer in first stage, and the first battle of a deck format match.

    00 is kinda obvious (and if not, well, it was already explained in Kei’s article), and so is Fafnir (sorta), but I don’t think Glaive is as obvious (or it is, but I’m just saying it isn’t for the sake of my little rant/speech, and for newer and/or inexperienced players). Glaive works wonders for left stamina, providing a lot of LAD (life after death) and just being good at stamina overall. I prefer Glaive over Cross because: 1. Glaive is (in my opinion) better at left spin stamina and LAD, and 2. I want to save Cross for a different combo in my decks.

    I hope this goes over all of my points, and if you have any questions, or I left anything out, please tell me!

    1. Thanks for posting, CheetoBlader!

      Yeah, the exclusion of Master from the main list is a bit controversial even to me. It made the top ten list of Layers used in 2019/2020 even though it wasn’t out for very long.

      Three of the six people surveyed (myself, The Supreme One, RED NINJA 0829) did include it on their lists. However, three didn’t at all.

      The top four spots were very difficult to give to anything other than Lord, Perfect Phoenix, Zwei, and Judgement given their impact on the game in so many ways.

      This left the fifth spot as a bit of a wild card. I really wanted to include it. It was a debate between Master and Imperial.

      When I looked at the opinions gathered in total, this is how the data broke down:

      Personal Top 5 Lists: 50% Selected (3/6)
      Underrated Combos: 0% Selected (0/6)

      Personal Top 5 Lists: 33% Selected (2/6)
      Underrated Combos: 50% Selected (3/6)

      Master did have more entries on the winning combos list, but they were all using Drivers like Bearing and Xtend+, making them very easy to use in comparison to Imperial. So, although the actual usage numbers support Master over Imperial, I wanted to give some points to Imperial because of the inherently lower numbers it receives by virtue of being an attack type.

      I would have personally put Master in the top five (as you can see from my personal list), but mainly given the data from players surveyed, I decided to put in Imperial at #5. That said, I think it’s fair to say that if the official list extended to six combos, Master on Xtend+ or Bearing would be there.

      It’s debatable though, and I certainly support anyone who thinks it should be on the top five list.

      And as for why use Bearing over Xtend+ on Master:

      I chose Bearing for Master personally because it has more defense than Xt+. Xt+ is more likely to be KOed than Bearing in my experience. Given that Master is virtually unburstable, lowering KO probability helps to enhance its overall power in a way which complements the defensive upside of the Layer.

      Master has good stamina, but it stands out more to me for its defensive upside, so that’s what I would like to enhance when building the “best” combo for it. Of course, it does depend on the situation, though.

      1. Alright, as long as it was very close, I’m happy.

        As for Bearing over Xtend+, I feel like it’s safer in the 1st Stage though with Xtend+ because more people go for safe combos in the 1st Stage which are typically stamina combos, and MF.00G.Xt+ (Left Spin) annihilates both left and right spin opponents.

        When against KO attackers (Judgement, Zwei, Imperial, etc.), I feel like both Xt+ and Br have their pros and cons. Bearing has better defense in most cases, but the powerful hits from Judgement and Zwei can cause the Bearing combo (which is most likely on Turn, Wall, or Lift) to scrape, decreasing it’s chance to win the battle. But it’s defense definitely minimizes the chances of that happening, and getting KOed.

        As for Xt+, I feel like it’s ability to move around more freely can be both a blessing, and a curse. It can dodge attacks, but it can also go right into them. It’s kinda like a 30% chance of evading though. But, I do feel like the Glaive frame definitely helps out with the possibility of scraping due to it’s smoother shape.

        I probably missed some stuff, or forgot some things, so just tell me if anything doesn’t make sense. Also, please, call me Cheeto.

  5. Amazing article! This would be very helpful to the newcomers
    Also if you want here is my top 3

    1. Super Hyperion Quick’ 1A

    2. Naked Diabolos I Paradox Bearing

    3. Curse Satan Wheel Xtend+ 1D

    1. Thanks for reading, DeltaZakuro!

      This article is mainly focused on the best Beyblade Burst combos pre-Sparking, but thanks for sharing your list! Still waiting for my Curse Satan in the mail …

      1. Can you tell me where I can buy Shadow Amaterios, Union Diabolos and Drago Valtryek for the cheapest price? I tried looking for it on but I had no luck. Q_Q

        1. Hey Yohann,

          Yeah, those are a bit tricky to get! Your best bet is to look on places like Yahoo! Japan Auctions via a third-party like Zenmarket or to use eBay (the easiest option). You can find them using these links:

          B-00 Shadow Amaterios 0 Xtreme’ (CoroCoro Exclusive):

          B-00 Union Diabolos 00Expand Bearing (Super King Dragon Ver.) (wbba. Store Exclusive):

          Drago Valkyrie: Valkyrie

          And just as a heads up: if you buy something through these links, you won’t pay any extra, but I’ll get a small commission. This helps me keep things running. Thanks for your support!

  6. A critical problem in the early period of Beyblade Burst is the low chance of KO attack due to the softness of plastic, which would absorb a part of impact between Beys. Therefore, the Drivers that improve Beys’ defense in traditional ways, such as Press, was usually neglected and underrated. However, as the burst resistance is being improved in the whole meta since Cho-Z, and the metal structure in Layer increase the impact between Beys, some combos that especially aim to KO the opponent, and of course the combos that aims to improve KO resistance, appear more and more. I think it is necessary to re-evaluate some parts that was considered to be uncompetitive before, and they may show us something different (although may not really change the meta) in the game.

    1. That’s definitely true, CrazyAries. I think in the WBO’s Burst Classic Format especially we’re seeing things like this happen where new parts are influencing the construction and performance of combos. Dash Drivers like Xtreme’ and Keep’ have made attack and defence types viable in that format that weren’t when the parts that use them originally came out. Or at least weren’t viable in the same way as they are now thanks to the new Dash Drivers.

    1. As I just mentioned on the WBO: Cool idea! Thanks for doing this. I’ve added in your video to the article. I definitely agree that Hybrid and Ignition’ were underrated; I saw them so much while I was in Japan earlier this year.

  7. Thank you for posting this and also how to obtain the said parts nice for a returning blader to have that information instead of trying to find and refind multiple forum posts

    1. You’re welcome! Thanks for reading. I’m really happy to hear it’s useful for you.

  8. Amazing article it was very helpful in making me decide what i should be looking to get, but some of the dash driver are very expensive and I was wondering if they make that big of a difference or could you still be very effective with out them? I would love to see some reviews on the new sparking blades. Another thing where is the best place to order parts/blades and stadiums for a Canadian? Keep up the great work.

  9. Thanks, Daniel!

    The Dash Drivers are unfortunately pretty key to each combo that uses them. Without them, their burst resistance goes down too far for the combo to be really viable in many cases. One that you could get by without a Dash Driver is Judgement Diabolos Blitz Xtreme’ because of Judgement’s built in burst stopper which increases burst resistance. That said, while regular Xtreme will work for it, Xtreme’ not only has better burst resistance, but it uses a different type of rubber which allows it to better maintain a flower pattern when banked.

    I’m certainly thinking about doing a review of a Beyblade from Sparking! I was originally thinking of doing Super Hyperion, and then Brave Valkyrie … but shipping is so slow right now that I feel like I’m a bit late haha. I don’t even have Brave Valkyrie yet, for instance.

    Whether you’re Canadian or from any other country, the easiest place to order Takara-Tomy Beyblades from is probably eBay. Alternatively, you can try using a middleman service like ZenMarket to order from Japanese stores directly. You can order multiple items from different sellers (Rakuten, Toys R Us Japan, Yahoo! Japan Auctions, etc) and build up a big package and have it all sent at once. I’ve also just recently tried, but still waiting on my order to arrive …

    1. Hi,
      Thanks for that I will take a look at those sights. I have a few more question, one being does putting a hasbro performance tip on a takara tomy layer actually damage it. I could not see why it would when I used precision calibers to measure the two. I know it is not legal for tournaments, but I was wondering because my brother has hasbro and I have TT and he would like to use the TT layers with some of his driver. I would rather not have them break or be damaged to not be usable in a tournament.

      I was also wonder if you if the new Xceed is similar to Xtreme’ and can be used as possibly a replacement for it?
      Is Evolution a usable driver now that it has a dash variant?
      Finally what is in you opinion right now the best way to use the new mirage and brave rings?

      Thanks again,

      1. TAKARA-TOMY Drivers have slightly taller teeth on top of them than their Hasbro counterparts and will produce a tighter fit with Hasbro Energy Layers. And vice-versa with Hasbro Performance Tips; because of their shorter teeth, the fit with TAKARA-TOMY Layers will be looser.

        Using Hasbro Performances Tips with TT Layers will not damage them, but they will be looser and burst more easily so I wouldn’t recommend it.

        I haven’t tested Xceed yet, but it definitely seems usable. Don’t think it is as controllable as Xtreme’ is, though.

        Evolution’ is definitely viable in certain situations, but again, it might not be as controllable as Xtreme’. When worn down though, it might be faster, which is useful in attack vs. attack battles though.

        Don’t have Mirage and Brave yet, so I can’t say!

    2. Hey, kei? I’m kinda new to competitive blading, but I have a lot of the beyblades that you were talking about! What do you think a good starter would be?

      1. Hi! A good starter would be any of the combos on this list! Haha. But the Perfect Phoenix and Lord Spriggan combos are certainly easier to use if that’s what you mean by “good starter”. I’d personally recommend Master, which you can find on my personal top five list above.

        I’d also look into getting the new Rage Longinus. I don’t have mine yet, but from what I’ve seen so far, it seems quite powerful.

  10. I personally think that CZ-S.00W.Br is one of the best combos, as I think its burst stoppers are better than Lord’s, and it’s carried me through multiple tournaments.

    1. Cho-Z Spriggan is certainly good and continued to be competitively viable in 2019, but I’ll have to disagree on the comparison to Lord. With a tight Disk, Lord simply will not burst. Cho-Z Spriggan is very unlikely to burst as well, but there’s a chance the burst stoppers don’t activate, so I’d put Lord above it in terms of burst resistance.

  11. This is really a good article. In this article, you analyze professionally. It helps me a lot. I mainly use Attack types. Those are my tops.
    Judgement Ɐchilles Blitz V’/ X’
    Zwei Diabolos 00 Expand/ Wall Ul’
    BVl 10 Flow V’/ Ev’ 1S
    By the way, can you please show some Stamina types or Defense types for testing. It is a little boring to use only Attacks.

  12. Thank you!

    Nice choice with Ultimate Reboot’ on Zwei. I haven’t tried it with Zwei, but I think Ul’ in general is a little bit underrated. Good attack potential and also surprisingly decent opposite spin LAD (at least in terms of attack Drivers). I like it with Imperial.

    There’s many stamina and defense types in the article! #4 and #3 on the main list are, and then there is also many on the personal lists and underrated combos list. Check those out.

    1. Would you recommend Lord Spriggan.Hybrid over Lord Spriggan.0.Cross.Atomic? I don’t have Xt+ or I would use it instead of Atomic.

  13. I would like to say something about Double Chassis.
    We can all feel that Takara Tomy has tried to make Disc a part of contact points since Xeno Xcalibur’s Magnum. They later introduced Core Disc + Frame, and in GT they added various gimmicks on Discs. The size of Disc also increases gradually.
    However, there is a problem if Disc really become a major part of contact point like Layer, that if Disc hit opponent there would be little risk of self-bursting, but the tradeoff between power and risk is an important part in Burst series and is an important reason why this series is so atractive. So we can see at any era, the current Discs is always smaller than the Layers (Unless you use GT Discs or those large Frames on Layers before Cho-Z, but that would be too light in current meta and thus is not competitive). The only exception is Paradox but it has a lot of limitation such as scratching stadium and light weight, which make it not an ideal choices in most cases.
    This is the embarrassing situation of Disc. On one hand, it is necessary to make Disc a part of contact points to broaden the meta strategy. On the other hand, Takara Tomy cannot really make it same weight as Layers in aspect of contacting opponent.
    Fortunately, TT came out with the solution, which is the Double Chassis. It takes the position of Discs in a Beyblade, while being a part of Layer. This means even Chassis get very large and become a part of major contact points, it would not make the Bey more difficult to Burst (although this structure have very high burst resistance at the very beginning). So both problems get solved. various Ring and various Double Chassis enriched strategies, while the risks of Burst that players still need to consider when they build their combos are still there. And this is why Double Chassis seems to impact the META so much.

    1. Top 5 combos in by opinion:
      #5: Lord Spriggan Hybrid
      As The Superme One said, this combo has great stamina potential. Hybrid has good stamina when the you turn the power on, and even you turn it off it could have very good LAD even compare to Xtend+ or Bearing. With the Burst Stoppers on Lord, this combo can handle almost every situation and is easy to use for even a novice player.

      #4: Prime αpocalypse Blitz Xtreme’
      I think Prime αpocalypse is somehow underrated by many players. As the one with highest burst resistance among all three Infinite/Mugen Lock Layers, it performs excellent in KO attack with almost 0 burst risk. You can safely use the heaviest Discs on it and don’t worry about the potentially increased burst risk like other Layers, and the attack power of Discs like Blitz could be maximized. The speed of Xtreme’ also enhanced its potential on KO attack. The only problem on this combo is that Xtreme’ could be worn down quickly, but it is a part difficult to get (you have to either buy a expensive exclusive Bey or buy a lot of Random Booster to get one, and the latter choice is very unfriendly when one is not very lucky). Despite this, this combo have chance to almost any opponents.

      #3: Imperial Dragon Sting Volcanic Dash
      Imperial is currently one of the heavest GT Bases. Its oval shape give it excellent Attack potential. Sting fits the shape of Imperial and has high weight so should be an ideal choice for Imperial’s combos. Volcanic is one of the fastest drivers and could use bound-back strategy to attack opponent at the center when it is put on Imperial. Even though there is still some risk of self-bursting and self-KO if you are not that lucky, it is still an competitive combo in most situations.

      #2: Judgement Joker 0(painted)Turn(Attack mode) Quick Dash Goku
      Judgement, no matter has the highest attack power or not, has the greatest Burst poential in current META (at least before Sparking System). The rubber blades gives it power to destroy almost any opponents on its way. Painted 0 Disc grinds the Burst Stoppers on Judgement tightly, thus make this combo almost impossible to Burst. Goku is the Heaviest Weight, and roughly weighs the same as Diabolos when put with a regular GT Chip, but is more stable, thus enable this combo to attack more consistent. Turn, although seriously increase the risk of scratching stadium, provides decent attack power as well. And Quick Dash not only improve its power, but also make this combo easy to control.

      #1: Zwei Diabolos Sting Jolt Dash
      As stated in Kei’s Main List, this combo is nothing else but extremely powerful. Currently I haven’t found any other combos that can consistently counter this combo.

  14. Honestly, I agree that these combos here are easily some of the best in the current meta, and all of them have viability. However, opinions do differ and my top 5 list is different from the list above.
    My top 5 list for GT series:
    5. Perfect Phoenix 00cross xtend+
    Same reasons as top 5. However, I feel that the burst resistance wears over time and it also has a greater risk when facing judgement which is why I place it lower than lord spriggan.
    4. Lord Spriggan 0cross xtend+
    Same reasons as the top 5 list
    3. Judgement Diabolos Blitz Keep'(worn)
    I prefer this combo to Xtreme’ due to the fact that Xtreme’ seems a little easier to knock out. While a worn keep’ driver sacrifices speed, if worn enough, it can move in a reliably flower pattern, and also reduce its chance of being KOed due to the rubber grip on the stadoum floor. Just like the zwei combo underneath, this combo suffers from low stamina. One other thing also, is that it is a little lighter than other combos, making it easier to knockout, making the battle in a way a 50:50 chance. Either way, it is a fun combo to use and also more reliable than Xtreme’ if the user is not as experienced in attack types.
    2. Zwei diabolos sting jolt’
    I know that this combo is extremely good. I this combo was easily able to destroy most combos I made up to this point so much that I needed to change up combos to counter it specifically. The only true downsides I can see are the low stamina it has, and less control it has in the stadium. Overall, it is a solid bey that I love to use!
    1. Master Valkyrie Hybrid
    My personal favorite combo and my means of shutting down judgement and having a good chance against zwei. The height of hybrid and the gap between it and the right spinning master base make it hard for an opponent to have direct contact with it. Not only that, but the hybrid driver gives great stamina with the motor, and also gives great LAD comparable to Xtend+ and bearing combos. I think it is simple to use and has great chances of success due to being able to tank so many hits effectively. The only problem it may have is recovering from a big hit and scraping. However, when it loses balance, it rides the slope of the stadium and crashes down with the motor, destabilizing the opponent as well. I think it’s only true weakness is when someone truly knows how to make use of a judgement Xtreme’ or a Zwei jolt’ combo.

    While this is what I think of the GT meta, currently, I think with sparking series beys, some beys are getting pushed away. Here are my top
    3 combos using parts from the new series:

    3. Lord Spriggan wheel xtend+
    Basically a buffed version of what it was before.
    2. Mirage Fafnir EV’ 2S(absorb mode)
    The chassis’ triangular shape and Mirage’s small layer allow for huge smash attacks that can knock out or wall burst an opponent. Not only that, but the high speed of the beyblade allows it to hit an opponent and not get knocked back as much. When put with Ev’, it can recover from a hit quickly and get back on the ridge. The 2S chassis allows for mediocre stamina and the flat base of an Ev’ allows for LAD that surpasses most attackers.
    1. Rage Longinus jolt’ 3A
    Beefed up version of zwei diabolos and allows you to put the diabolos chip on judgement rather than zwei. It does everything zwei does but better. What better reason do you need?

    Anyway, that’s my take on my favorite GT combos and upcoming combos for sparking. Thanks for taking the time to read it through!

  15. Kei, this is an amazing article and thank you for spending so much time to put this together for the community. I just want to take this time to share my top combos.
    My top 5 for GT(No Sparking)
    5. Lord Spriggan 0cross xtend+
    Same reasons as above. Just in my opinion, the stamina it has is inferior to some others and it can be chipped down much easier as well in certain cases. Otherwise, it is a great combo overall and gelreat to use!
    4. Perfect Phoenix 00cross xtend+
    Same reasons as above
    3. Judgement Diabolos Blitz Keep'(worn)
    This is by far my favorite attack combo. While not necessarily better than zwei, it certainly does its job. I traded out Xtreme’ for keep due to the fact that the only weakness of judgement being its weight. A worn flat keep’ driver allows for enough quick movements and also lowers risk of knockouts due to the rubber grip of the driver on the ground. It does suffer from lack of stamina, but if you get a good flower pattern, you should be able to finish the opposing bey before you run out of stamina.
    2. Master Valkyrie Hybrid
    Master already has a high defense, but combining the gap between it and the disc with the hybrid driver’s height makes the layer very hard to touch and makes the bey harder to burst. I found this to be the best bey to shut down judgement combos as it can tank heavy hits with the round layer and driver. The only downside is that it may lose balance against a same spin bey, but it can still cover for that due to the extra stamina given to it by the motor. Not only that, but the motor also gives it LAD comparable to bearing and xtend+ combos in opposite spin battles.
    1. Zwei Diabolos sting jolt’
    Same reasons as above.

    That is my list for GT. But sparking has come in and is significantly changing the meta. While it seems to some people that double chassis are taking over, there are new parts that improve the older beys(such as wheel). Going off that, here are some beys that I have made to replace some of my top 5 beys using sparking parts.

    1. Replacing Zwei Diabolos, is Rage Longinus jolt’ 3A. It basically does everything the last one did but better. Bot only that, now you can put the diabolos chip in a 5G deck on judgement for no repeating parts.
    2. Pushing everything back from #2 is Mirage Fafnir Ev'(awakened) 2S. It is the main counter to left and right spin attackers and has insane speed to deal with basically any threat. It can smash an opponent head on or catch up to it and knock it out. The Ev’ driver allows for the high speed and quick recovery after the big hit. This combo is more suited to knock out the opponent and wall bursting rather than bursting an opponent head on.
    3. Replacing Lord and kicking back PP is Lord Spriggan wheel xtend+. Not only does it now have more stamina to fight other beys, it also benefits from greater versatility of right and left compared to Phoenix. That’s why I Placed it above.

    My Current top 5(and 5G DECK)

    5. Lord Spriggan Wheel Xtend+
    4. Judgement Diabolos Blitz keep’
    3. Master Valkyrie Hybrid
    2. Mirage Fafnir Ev’ 2S
    1. Rage Longinus Jolt’ 3A
    That’s all I have for this . Thanks for taking the time to read this, and a message for Kei, good luck and keep working hard!

  16. Heyo so my list is

    Burst Standard
    6.Big Bang Apcalaypse Wheel Xceed
    5.Mirage Longinus Evolution’ 2S
    4.Brave Hyperion Atomic 2A
    3.Mirage Diabolos Mobius 3A
    2.Super Diabolos Ultimate Reboot’ 2D
    1.Rage Diabolos Ultimate Reboot’ 3A

    Burst Limited
    6.Air Knight K4 0 Expand Atomic
    5.Arc Bahumut 10 Wall Mobius
    4.Beat Kulekan 00 Angle Evolution’
    3.Z Achilles or Alter Cronos 00 Expand Destroy’
    2.Bloody Longinus 4 Cross Keep’
    1.Shining/Shadow Ametorios Genarate

    Burst Classic
    6.Inferno Ifrit Knuckle Evolution’
    5.Beast Behemoth Yell Keep’
    4.Zillion Zeus Gravity Ultimate Reboot’
    3.Zilion Zeus Knuckle Keep’
    2.Gaia Gainon Heavy Unite’
    1.I dunno
    all are Tested

  17. Good day! Can I use the chip from bbg 34 wbba exclusive union diabolos for the judgement diabolos combo?

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