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What is slated to be the very last Beyblade Burst BU release is the new B-206 Barricade Lucifer.Il.BMb-10! It features an all-new BU Blade, DB Core, and Driver! This is the natural final evolution for the Lucifer line in Burst, being heavily inspired by its predecessors.
Read on to see how B-206’s new parts stack up to the existing Burst Standard metagame, whether we think it is a worthy purchase for competitive Bladers, and if it lives up to some fairly lofty expectations set by the likes of its predecessors: Variant Lucifer and Lucifer The End.
Product Details
- Product Code: B-206
- Product Contents:
- System: Dynamite Battle Layer System
- Series: Beyblade Burst – Burst Ultimate
Part Weights
- Barricade BU Blade: 14.74g
- Lucifer DB Core: 7.44g
- Illegal Disk (4 Stars): 32.06g
- Bearing Mobius Driver: 7.80g
- 10 Armor: 13.15g
Additional Notes:
- Most tests in this article were done in the B-09 Burst Standard Stadium using two Bladers.
- The results of each match that ended with an outspin were ruled based on the WBO’s June 2022 spinning definition update.
- Stamina matches saw both combos switch out Discs and Drivers at the half-way point to account for star discrepancy and/or Driver wear.
- This article was written in collaboration with WBO user Dan. Thank you, Dan.
- Finally, if you buy something through some of the links on this post, you won’t pay any extra, but I’ll get a small commission. This helps me keep things running. Thanks for your support!
Where to Buy B-206 Barricade Lucifer Il.BMb.10

Heads up: If you buy something through some of the links on this post, you won’t pay any extra, but I’ll get a small commission. This helps me keep things running. Thanks for your support!
Barricade BU Blade Review

The Barricade BU Blade is an interesting take on its predecessors’ gimmicks, inheriting its base shape and great diameter from The End Ring and the barrier Blades from the 2D Chassis released with Variant Lucifer. Nods to each release are found on the Barricade BU Blade.
How is the Barricade BU Blade different?
The Barricade BU Blade’s gimmick is the nullification of strong hits via its four barrier-forming blades. They are exposed when at high speeds, and retract back into place as its spin depletes throughout the course of battle.
For those that remember the 2D Chassis from Variant Lucifer, this gimmick will seem familiar. The Barricade BU Blade itself is an amalgamation of Variant and The End, the latter especially in terms of shape, and the former in the inclusion of these blades.

With 2D these blades–sometimes referred to as “petals” for their shape–could be ripped off in battle through a process referred to as “awakening”. In Barricade BU Blade’s case these blades are not meant to be awakened in any way. Barricade’s barrier gimmick is a core feature that does not change.
What we assume from previous examples of this gimmick is that, as a rule of thumb, this kind of barrier is a death sentence for same-spin performance but a saving grace for opposite-spin.
Is the Barricade BU Blade good for Defense type Beyblades?
As previously mentioned this style of gimmick spells certain doom for same-spin matches, so we don’t expect Barricade BU Blade to have an easy time with same-spin Attack types but serve a very specific niche as a staunch Defense type against left-spinning opponents.

The Driver choice for this aim was obvious – the Zeal Driver. Not only does it perform well as an overall defense Driver, albeit with some erratic performances here and there, but it consistently does well in opposite-spin matchups thanks to its spinning plate, too.
These qualities give it the potential to be one of the best Drivers for something like Barricade BU Blade that cedes same-spin performance for exceptional opposite-spin. If the barrier gimmick works as intended, there is little doubt that the aims of both parts will completely overlap.
In testing we chose the B-194’s red-rubber Xtreme Dash Driver as it provides high stamina and middle-of-the-road controllability.
This meant that we could push Barricade BU Blade and the Zeal Driver to their upper limits in terms of LAD and outspin potential, only the Quick Dash Driver can surpass a red-rubbered Xtreme Dash in endurance.
Barricade BU Blade Right-Spin Defense Testing (vs. Xiphoid, Ultimate)

Barricade Kerbeus Giga Zeal-10 vs. Xiphoid Xcalibur Spread’ Xtreme’-1
- BrcKB.Gg.Zl-10 wins: 2 wins (2 OS)
- XpXc.Sp’.wins: 8 wins (6 OS, 2 KO)
- Barricade BU Blade Win Percentage: 20%
In our first test we saw what we were expecting from the barrier-equipped Barricade BU Blade. It was being knocked with enough force by its same-spin opponent Xiphoid BU Blade that it was depleted of spin and often just barely out-spun.
In same-spin it seemed that the barrier blades made for too much drag on contact, and compounded with Xiphoid BU Blade’s high Smash Attack potential, even an Xtreme Dash Driver is more than enough to make for convincing out-spins.
In a vacuum the Zeal Driver probably wouldn’t lose to the Xtreme Dash Driver, it simply has higher raw endurance and produces less friction. Just in case the Smash Attack displayed was the key to making the Xtreme Dash Driver trump Barricade BU Blade on the Zeal Driver we toned it down a notch by using the Ultimate Blade on the same set up.
Barricade Kerbeus Giga Zeal-10 vs. Ultimate Valkyrie 2 Spread’ Xtreme’-9
- BrcKB.Gg.Zl-10 wins: 0 wins
- UlVL2.S’.X’-9 wins: 5 wins (3 OS, 2 KO)
- Barricade BU Blade Win Percentage: 0%
Because this test was mostly to see whether Ultimate Blade–a Blade of inferior power to Xiphoid BU Blade–could hit Barricade BU Blade enough to outspin, we kept these tests to 5.
Barricade BU Blade Left-Spin Defense Testing (vs. Guilty, SuperKing)

This set of testing is what really makes or breaks the viability of the Barricade BU Blade, at least when it comes to the thoughts and intentions behind playing into the strengths of this specific type of combo.
We expect that being in opposite spin significantly lessens the burden placed on the BU Blade by its barrier blade gimmick. Instead of smashing right up against it, full force, opposite spinning Beyblades will move along with the barrier and make it so it creates an effective buffer zone without fear of being out-spun.
Barricade Kerbeus Giga Zeal-10 vs. Guilty Longinus Fortress Xtreme’-2
- BrcKB.Gg.Zl-10 wins: 7 wins (7 OS)
- GLN.Fr.X’-2 wins: 3 wins (3 KO)
- Barricade BU Blade Win Percentage: 70%
Because in our previous experiences with Zeal Driver user variance, skill level, and even just plain luck played a big role in producing meaningful results, we decided to switch out users half-way. We redid the tests to 10, but this time the less experienced Blader used Guilty Blade:
Barricade Kerbeus Giga Zeal-10 vs. Guilty Longinus Fortress Xtreme’-2
- BrcKB.Gg.Zl-10 wins: 8 wins (7 OS, 1 KO)
- GLN.Fr.X’-2 wins: 2 wins (2 KO)
- Barricade BU Blade Win Percentage: 80%
Here we see that, actually, not too much changed regardless of user or circumstance. The matchup itself seems to be so extremely skewed towards Barricade BU Blade for all the reasons we proposed.
In both matchups there were definitely some very close calls with Barricade BU Blade being brought nearly to the brink of the pocket, but Zeal Driver held on tight – one of its most redeeming qualities now on full display.
For some context, the Guilty Blade has been for a little over a year now the de facto king of the Attack typing. It has all the Smash Attack, width/range, and ease of use in the world to afford it a favourable matchup against essentially everything in the meta.
This now changes. The Barricade BU Blade, when committed to the Zeal Driver, serves as the most exceptional wall to date. Even the most skillful of Bladers will have a tough time pocketing this pair with Guilty Blade.
While not really necessary, given that the Guilty Blade tends to surpass every other Attack option in the game with relative ease, we decided to see if this performance holds against another viable left-spinning Attack BU Blade: SuperKing BU Blade.
Barricade Kerbeus Giga Zeal-10 vs. SuperKing Bahamut Over Xtreme’-9
- BrcKB.Gg.Zl-10 wins: 8 wins (7 OS, 1 KO)
- SKBH.Ov.X’-9 wins: 2 wins (2 KO)
- Barricade BU Blade Win Percentage: 80%
Is the Barricade BU Blade good for Stamina type Beyblades?
Because our same-spin matches against Attack types went so poorly we were going into this set of testing with very minimal hope. The core of the Barricade BU Blade’s gimmick means that there is really no shot it can become a same-spin Stamina Blade choice at all.
Barricade BU Blade Right-Spin Stamina Testing (vs. Wind, Dynamite)

For the sake of confirming our hypothesis we did put it up against the top two right spin options available: Wind BU Blade and the Dynamite Blade.
Barricade Dragon Over (2 Stars) Bearing’-3 vs. Wind Spriggan 2 Over (2 Stars) Bearing’-3
- BrcDR.Ov.Br’-3 wins: 0 wins
- WnSP.Ov.Br’-3 wins: 5 wins (5 OS)
- Barricade BU Blade Win Percentage: 0%
Barricade Dragon Over (2 Stars) Bearing’-3 vs. Dynamite (F Gear) Spriggan 2 Over (2 Stars) Bearing’-3
- BrcDR.Ov.Br’-3 wins: 0 wins
- D(F)SP2.Ov.Br’-3 wins: 5 wins (5 OS)
- Barricade BU Blade Win Percentage: 0%
As predicted these matches went the way of the opponent every single time. We stopped at 5 rounds because of the extreme difference in endurance – every outspin was by a massive margin you’d only come to expect from battles between vastly different generations.
It is very fair to say there is no hope in seeing Barricade BU Blade’s use for same-spin Stamina applications.
Barricade BU Blade Left-Spin Stamina Testing (vs. Vanish, Roar)

While same-spin was a definite flop, there is some legitimate hope that Barricade BU Blade’s weight, width, and gimmick make it so there are convincingly positive results in its opposite-spin matchups.
Barricade Dragon Over (2 Stars) Bearing’-3 vs. Vanish Achilles Over (2 Stars) Bearing’-3
- BrcDR.Ov.Br’-3 wins: 3 wins (3 OS)
- VAC.Ov.Br’-3 wins: 2 wins (2 OS)
- Barricade BU Blade Win Percentage: 60%
- 5 Draws
Here we saw many draws, exactly half the matches were dead-even. With that said, though, the Barricade BU Blade victories were much easier to spot, with it spinning longer than Vanish Blade by a fair amount.
In an era where video assistance is often used, a mostly favourable matchup with clear victories is sometimes preferable to a technically dominating matchup that requires much attention to minute movement.
Barricade Dragon Over (2 Stars) Bearing’-3 vs. Roar Achilles Over (2 Stars) Bearing’-3
- BrcDR.Ov.Br’-3 wins: 4 wins (4 OS)
- RAC.Ov.Br’-3 wins: 2 wins (2 OS)
- Barricade BU Blade Win Percentage: 67%
- 4 Draws
This matchup is not too much different than the Vanish Blade matchup except Roar Blade lacks that same level of consistency that Vanish Blade has, leading to less draws.
The Verdict
The Barricade BU Blade is an incredible opposite-spin focussed Blade, providing the best defense against left-spinning Attackers in the DB meta without a doubt.
This is far and away the best counter-pick to the Guilty Blade, and while it does struggle with same-spin opponents of any type, Barricade BU Blade exists in a niche it has a monopoly on. If you want a consistent answer to the Guilty Blade, you need the Barricade BU Blade.
Best Barricade BU Blade Combo: Barricade Kerbeus Over Zeal-0
How to build BrcKB.Ov.Zl-0

Barricade BU Blade
Kerbeus DB Core (1 of the following)
- B-198 Random Booster Vol. 29 – 01: Chain Kerbeus Fortress Yard Dash-6
- B-198 Random Booster Vol. 29 – 04: Dynamite Kerbeus Legacy Moment-9
- B-202 Random Booster Vol. 30 – 04: Wind Kerbeus Xanthus Bounce-4
Over Disk & 0 Armor (1 of the following)
Zeal Driver
Lucifer DB Core Review

Next we have the Lucifer DB Core, a right-spin DB Core that incorporates design elements from both the Lucifer 1 and Lucifer 2 Sparking Chips. Unfortunately for the Lucifer DB Core, it does not also incorporate gimmicks from either.
The Lucifer 1 Sparking Chip brought along a metal component and the Lucifer 2 Sparking Chip added rubber to its chip, increasing burst resistance.
In the DB era one would think that the natural evolution would be a metal-equipped DB Core with rubber burst stoppers similar to Bahamut or Kerbeus DB Cores. This did not happen.
What makes the Lucifer DB Core Different From Others?
Unfortunately while Lucifer DB Core did get a gimmick, it was a complete departure from previous Lucifer line releases: it now has 3 sizable BU Locks. This is a feature that only works with BU Lock equipped Disks to increase burst resistance.
Funnily enough, this BU Lock Disk gimmick has not been fully fleshed out, meaning the Lucifer DB Core actually has more BU Locks than there are Disks that can take advantage of it! The BU Lock gimmick was first given to the Xanthus Disk, then the Moon Disk.

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How Burst Resistant is the Lucifer DB Core?

As we’ve been doing with most DB Cores so far, we tested the Lucifer DB Core’s innate burst resistance by putting it up against a high Smash Attack Blade (Savior Blade) while keeping it on a high recoil Blade (Astral Blade).
Lucifer DB Core Burst Resistance Testing
Astral Lucifer Over Bearing-10 vs. Savior Ragnaruk Giga Quick’-2
- ALC.Ov.Br-10: 5 wins (2 OS, 2 KO, 1 BF)
- SRG.Gg.Qc’-2: 5 wins (5 KO)
- Lucifer Win Percentage: 50%
- Lucifer Total Clicks To Be Lost: 30
- Lucifer Total Clicks Lost: 14
- Lucifer Clicks Lost Percentage: 47%
Here we saw that Lucifer lost a little under half of all possible clicks in this kind of scenario. This is quite average, but to be fair, better than existing top tier right-spin Stamina DB Cores that hover above the 50% mark.
Astral Lucifer Moon Bearing-10 vs. Savior Ragnaruk Giga Quick’-2
- ALC.Ov.Br-10: 3 wins (3 KO)
- SRG.Gg.Qc’-2: 7 wins (4 KO, 3 OS )
- Lucifer Win Percentage: 30%
- Lucifer Total Clicks To Be Lost: 30
- Lucifer Total Clicks Lost: 5
- Lucifer Clicks Lost Percentage: 17%
Incredibly tight. These are the two words used to describe Lucifer DB Core paired with the Moon Disk. This is likely one of the tightest pairings available thanks to Lucifer’s BU Locks, doing incredibly well despite taking numerous hard hits.
Unfortunately, from a competitive standpoint, using something short like the Bearing Driver is not a wise choice with the Moon Disk given its great diameter, making it prone to scraping. This is reflected in the terrible winrate of the Astral Lucifer combo and nearly half of the Savior Blade’s wins coming from out-spins.
If you intend to take advantage of this pairing it is best done on a taller Driver that can accommodate the Moon Disk’s width.
Right-Spin DB Core Burst Resistance Tier List
This tier list is based on the testing conducted for this review as well as the previously conducted testing throughout multiple reviews on BeyBase against our test combo, Savior Ragnaruk Giga Quick’-2.
- Kerbeus DB Core
- Kerbeus Win Percentage: 55%
- Kerbeus Clicks Lost Percentage (Normalized): 35%
- Perseus DB Core
- Perseus Win Percentage: 75%
- Perseus Clicks Lost Percentage: 43.8%
- Belial 2 DB Core
- Belial 2 Win Percentage: 42.9%
- Belial 2 Clicks Lost Percentage: 43.8%
- Valkyrie 2 DB Core
- Valkyrie 2 Win Percentage: 25%
- Valkyrie 2 Clicks Lost Percentage: 45.8%
- Phoenix DB Core
- Phoenix Win Percentage: 75%
- Phoenix Clicks Lost Percentage: 46.8%
- Lucifer DB Core
- Lucifer Win Percentage: 50%
- Lucifer Clicks Lost Percentage: 47%
- Valkyrie DB Core
- Valkyrie Win Percentage: 75%
- Valkyrie Clicks Lost Percentage: 50%
- Hyperion DB Core
- Hyperion Win Percentage: 40%
- Hyperion Clicks Lost Percentage: 57.5%
- Belial DB Core
- Belial Win Percentage: 37.5%
- Belial Clicks Lost Percentage: 59.3%
- Knight DB Core
- Knight Win Percentage: 57%
- Knight Clicks Lost Percentage: 60%
- Dragon DB Core
- Dragon Win Percentage: 70%
- Dragon Clicks Lost Percentage: 63%
- Spriggan 2 DB Core
- Spriggan 2 Win Percentage: 57%
- Spriggan 2 Clicks Lost Percentage: 66.6%
- Spriggan DB Core
- Spriggan Win Percentage: 25%
- Spriggan Clicks Lost Percentage: 81.3%
- Ragnaruk DB Core
- Ragnaruk Win Percentage: 25%
- Ragnaruk Clicks Lost Percentage: 89.3%
Is the Lucifer DB Core Good for Right-Spin Stamina Types?

Lucifer DB Core vs. Dragon DB Core
Dynamite (F Gear) Lucifer Over (2 Stars) Bearing-3 vs. Dynamite (F Gear) Dragon Over (2 Stars) Bearing-3
- D(F)LC.Ov.Br-9: 5 wins (5 OS)
- D(F)DR.Ov.Br-9: 5 wins (5 OS)
- Lucifer Core Win Percentage: 50%
While, for a time, the Dragon DB Core was undoubtedly the best right spin Stamina core available, the last few releases have desensitized us to other new DB Cores going about even. Lucifer DB Core is no different here, going dead-even with the Dragon DB Core.
This certainly puts it in contention to join the existing “big three” alongside Hyperion DB Core and Spriggan 2 DB Core. We decided to see if it does similarly well against those two.
Lucifer DB Core vs. Hyperion DB Core
Dynamite (F Gear) Lucifer Over (2 Stars) Bearing-3 vs. Dynamite (F Gear) Hyperion Over (2 Stars) Bearing-3
- D(F)LC.Ov.Br-9: 4 wins (4 OS)
- D(F)HY.Ov.Br-9: 5 wins (5 OS)
- Lucifer DB Core Win Percentage: 44%
- 1 Draw
This one very tight draw against Hyperion DB Core was a surprise, making Lucifer DB Core just shy of going dead-even. In general the battle between these two is very back and forth, just like it was with Dragon DB Core.
Contrary to the results shown, it isn’t a stretch to consider these two equals, it is very difficult to put one over the other with certainty.
Lucifer DB Core vs. Spriggan 2 DB Core
Dynamite (F Gear) Lucifer Over (2 Stars) Bearing-3 vs. Dynamite (F Gear) Spriggan 2 Over (2 Stars) Bearing-3
- D(F)LC.Ov.Br-9: 5 wins (5 OS)
- D(F)SP2.Ov.Br-9: 4 wins (4 OS)
- Lucifer DB Core Win Percentage: 56%
- 1 Draw
Similar to what happened against Hyperion DB Core, another tight draw happened against Spriggan DB Core. In this case Lucifer DB Core scored the last win, giving it a slightly-above-even scoreline.
Again, while the testing may suggest a slight edge to Lucifer DB Core, it is very difficult to say it is definitely better than any of the three top tier DB Cores we tested.
The Verdict
The Lucifer DB Core is the fourth addition to the top tier right spin Stamina Core roster, interchangeable with Dragon, Spriggan 2 and Hyperion DB Cores.
While it is tied with the best-of-the-best in terms of pure stamina, the relatively strong burst resistance of the Lucifer DB Core makes it technically the best overall DB Core in Beyblade Burst for right-spin stamina.
Expect each of these DB Cores to perform similarly well to each other. If you have one, you don’t necessarily need any of the others outside of high level combo optimization.

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Bearing Mobius Driver Review

The final new component given to us with the release of Barricade Lucifer is the Bearing Mobius Driver! This Driver is, similar to the Bearing Drift Driver, a re-imagining of the Mobius Driver first released with Variant Lucifer fused with the ever-popular Bearing Driver.
This Driver incorporates the overall shape and height of the Mobius Driver with the conical tip shape and shielded ball bearing system of the Bearing Driver. Definitely a very intriguing Driver combination.
Given the track record of the two Drivers it takes inspiration from, we have very high hopes. The Mobius Driver is an exceptional opposite-spin specialist and the Bearing Driver is an incredibly enduring jack of all trades Stamina Driver.
Same-Spin Stamina Testing
Bearing Mobius Driver vs. Bearing Drift Driver

Dynamite (F Gear) Ragnaruk Over Bearing Mobius-3 vs. Dynamite (F Gear) Ragnaruk Over Bearing Drift-3
- D(F)RG.Ov.BMb-3 wins: 5 wins (5 OS)
- D(F)RG.Ov.BDr-3 wins: 5 wins (5 OS)
- Bearing Mobius Win Percentage: 50%
This was a very interesting matchup in the fact that it was very difficult to determine who would win until the very end. Results were definitive yet every match was a bit different – sometimes Bearing Mobius Driver would solidly outspin Bearing Drift Driver and then the very next match had the same thing done to it.
In general it is far to say Bearing Drift Driver will have an advantage if it can knock Bearing Mobius off-center and keep it there, and whittle it away. It is also fair to say Bearing Mobius Driver will have an advantage if it stays stable throughout the match and whittles away Bearing Drift Driver from above.
Matches between these two are incredibly close and incredibly tense. It is likely that a mixture of launch type, strength, and luck play a massive role in deciding which Driver takes any given round.
Bearing Mobius Driver vs. Bearing’ Driver

Dynamite (F Gear) Ragnaruk Over Bearing Mobius-3 vs. Dynamite (F Gear) Ragnaruk Over Bearing’-3
- D(F)RG.Ov.BMb-3 wins: 3 wins (3 OS)
- D(F)RG.Ov.Br’-3 wins: 7 wins (7 OS)
- Bearing Mobius Win Percentage: 30%
This result was a bit of a surprise. In general the Bearing Dash Driver struggles against opponents that can hit it from above, causing it to tilt far earlier than it should and scrape to death.
Against Bearing Mobius Driver, definitely among the tallest available, it was able to secure many last-second victories simply because it was tilted over and able to destabilize Bearing Mobius Driver faster.
This was consistently happening, despite the few victories here and there for Bearing Mobius Driver, due to it managing to stay upright and balanced a bit better and longer.
It should be noted that this is purely mirror dependent, as when both Drivers were on the Wind BU Blade the results were the complete opposite. The Bearing Dash in that matchup was tilting and dying without being able to get under the opposing Wind BU Blade in a meaningful way.
As a general rule, if the Bearing Dash Driver combo being used can successfully hit the underside of the Bearing Mobius Driver combo, it should win with relative ease. If not, the Bearing Mobius Driver combo should win with ease instead.
Bearing Mobius Driver vs. High Xtend+’ Driver

Dynamite (F Gear) Ragnaruk Over Bearing Mobius-3 vs. Dynamite (F Gear) Ragnaruk Over High Xtend+’-3
- D(F)RG.Ov.BMb-3 wins: 10 wins (10 OS)
- D(F)RG.Ov.HXt+’-3 wins: 0 wins
- Bearing Mobius Win Percentage: 100%
This matchup was basically no competition for the Bearing Mobius Driver, a bit surprisingly. Its slighter taller height made High Xtend Plus Dash Driver tilt and wobble much quicker, resulting in convincing victories every time.
Opposite-Spin Stamina Testing
Bearing Mobius Driver vs. Drift Driver

Dynamite (F Gear) Dragon Over Bearing Mobius-3 vs. Vanish Achilles Over Drift-3
- D(F)DR.Ov.BMb-3 wins: 2 wins (2 OS)
- VAC.Ov.Dr-3 wins: 2 wins (2OS)
- Bearing Mobius Win Percentage: 50%
- 6 Draws
This was mostly even, with the Drift Driver sometimes taking advantage of Bearing Mobius Driver’s falling over (rather than spinning). In other cases Bearing Mobius Driver simply out-rotated Drift Driver by a hair. This is a tight matchup.
Bearing Mobius Driver vs. Bearing Drift Driver

Vanish Achilles Over Bearing Mobius-3 vs. Wind Dragon Over Bearing Drift-3
- VAC.Ov.BMb-3 wins: 4 wins (4 OS)
- WnDR.Ov.BDr-3 wins: 4 wins (4 OS)
- Bearing Mobius Win Percentage: 50%
- 2 Draws
Here we saw a very interesting interaction where Vanish Blade could use the Bearing Mobius Driver’s precession to squeak out dominating wins, but it was a bit inconsistent.
If Vanish Blade could tilt away from Wind BU Blade at the end, the Wind BU Blade would only make contact with the Over Disk making it unable to adequately equalize spin and lose to Vanish Blade handily.
Half the time Vanish Blade would not stay tilted away from Wind BU Blade to win right at the end, and instead the two would stay mostly level with each other – an interaction that was common in our review for Wind Knight’s release – meaning Wind BU Blade took the edge and won.
Essentially this matchup, and likely many of the matchups Bearing Mobius Driver will face, are heavily dependent on Blade choice and tilting. As dependent as it is on a few external factors, the Driver itself is very competent.
Bearing Mobius Driver vs. Mobius Driver

World Spriggan (Right) Over Bearing Mobius 1S vs. World Spriggan (Left) Nexus (S Gear) Mobius 1S
- WSP.Ov.BMb.1S wins: 1 wins (1 OS)
- WSP.Nx(S).Mb.1S wins: 6 wins (6 OS)
- Bearing Mobius Win Percentage: 14%
- 3 Draws
Finally we put Bearing Mobius Driver against the original Mobius Driver, which specializes in opposite spin matchups. Here it was clear that the flat shape of the original was much better suited to this kind of scenario, with the cone-shaped Bearing Mobius Driver only managing to win once.
Apart from this it was likely to lose or at best draw with the original Mobius Driver. Thanks to its flatter tip Mobius Driver could remain upright when Bearing Mobius Driver couldn’t, continuing to spin while its pseudo-successor tipped over.
The Verdict
The Bearing Mobius Driver is a top-tier Stamina Driver in both same-spin and opposite spin. While it may fail against certain specialists in either category and its matchups are a bit Blade-dependent, it manages to go toe-to-toe with Bearing Drift Driver across the board.
It is an excellent generalist Driver that provides you with very competitive endurance and a chance regardless of the spin direction of your opponent.
Should you buy B-206 Barricade Lucifer Illegal Bearing Mobius-10?
Finally we have come to the end. Having tested all these parts and watched them closely, you may be wondering whether we think B-206 Barricade Lucifer.Il.BMb-10 is worth a purchase or a spot in a competitive Blader’s arsenal.
Let’s break down the set part-by-part based on our experiences:

Parts Summary
Barricade BU Blade
The Barricade BU Blade is an incredibly specialized Blade that, like the Prominence Blade or Greatest Raphael Layer, produces fantastic results against opposite-spin opponents. Unlike either of those options, or truthfully anything else in the DB era, the Barricade BU Blade provides players with a legitimate and reliable answer for hyper-aggressive Guilty Blade combos.
For this reason, the Barricade BU Blade is a must-have as a counter for the most dominant Attack type of the era.
Lucifer DB Core
Just like the few releases immediately before it, the Lucifer DB Core provides you with a top-tier right spin Stamina DB Core option. For those that have Dragon, Hyperion or Spriggan 2 DB Cores, the Lucifer DB Core isn’t truly necessary.
Unlike those DB Cores, though, it provides nearly unrivalled burst resistance (a case can be made for Belial 3 DB Core) when paired with a BU Lock equipped Disk. It should be mentioned that with those Disks being mostly lack-luster on short Drivers it isn’t nearly as much of a draw as it could have been.
Illegal Disk
One of two re-released components found here is the Illegal Disk. We did an in-depth review of the Illegal Disk when it was first released with the B-201 Zest Achilles Customize Set, which is definitely worth a read. The Illegal Disk is an exceptional Disk, going dead-even with the long-standing best Disk, Over Disk.
Being on a much more affordable booster release is a big plus, and if you don’t have one already, the Illegal Disk is definitely a must-have.
Bearing Mobius Driver
The final new part brought to us is the tall Bearing Mobius Driver. Compared to the original Mobius Driver it is a bit more inconsistent in opposite-spin matchups, but unlike the original it has an incredibly decent same-spin matchup spread.
The Bearing Mobius Driver can be seen as a pretty good overall Driver choice, having a very fair shot in both same and opposite spin matchups even against some of the current meta’s most popular choices. We do caution that it may struggle more or less depending on Blade or Layer choices, as some of its matchups can swing greatly depending on how Blades interact. The truth is the Bearing Mobius Driver is a bit capricious, it has the potential to out-spin just about anything, but not with consistency.
For more prudent Bladers the Bearing Mobius Driver is not a must-have since it seems to provide all the same power as the Bearing Drift Driver but not more.
10 Armor
The last part is another re-release, but this one definitely had us scratching our heads: the 10 Armor! The 10 Armor is far from bad, but it is also far from highly competitive.
It is a middle-of-the-road Armor that isn’t particularly heavy or particularly high in endurance. The odd part about this is that of all the Armors we’ve received throughout the DB era we are still missing a potential 5 Armor. With the B-205 Burst Ultimate VS Set covering 8 Armor, finally, it seemed like 5 Armor was a shoe-in for the proposed final Beyblade Burst release. This Armor doesn’t really bring anything exciting to the table competitively, it is mostly a deck filler option.
Final Score: 9/10Where to Buy B-206 Barricade Lucifer Il.BMb.10

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What Do You Think of B-206 Barricade Lucifer Illegal Bearing Mobius-10? Comment Below!
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3 thoughts on “Discover How the Barricade BU Blade’s Defensive Power to Shuts Down Left-Spin Attack Type Beyblades Once And For All (B-206 Barricade Lucifer Review)”
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This stock combo is probably one of the best, nice to see that takara tomy has finally, at most perfected a defense beyblade.
when you make best combo again? i hope soon
Your wish is granted! 🙂